Chapter sixteen :)

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Chapter sixteen

We moved in sync with the song. I wrapped my arms around Thomas's neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. We swayed to the beat of the song.

After a while we went back for another quick swim before getting out of the pool. It was 4:37pm.

"Guys do you think we should get ready to go out for dinner?" Kaya asked and everyone agreed.

"Ok well Ava and Kaya do you want to get ready at my place?" I asked.

"Sounds good" they both said in sync.

"Ok cool" I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around myself.

"Ok well you guys can get ready at my place" Tom said and they agreed and walked out of the pool area and my house and walked to Thomas's house.

The two girls and I walked into my house and up stairs to my room.

"Ok so you guys can have a shower and rinse off in here" I showed them my bathroom and they nodded.

"If you want to redo your makeup or hair, there's a small makeup room here" I walked into my bathroom and opened a door which lead to a small room, with mirrors and makeup and hair objects.

"Oh my gosh! This is so cool!" Ava squealed.

"Wow this really is amazing" Kaya jumped up and down clapping.

I giggled and nodded. Then walked back into my room.

"Ok so yeah, let's get ready" I nodded and Kaya walked into the bathroom and had a shower.
Ava walked into the makeup room to do her hair.

I opened my wardrobe and rummaged threw it, until I stumbled across a really pretty dress. It was a lace midnight blue dress. I took it out of my wardrobe and sat it on my bed.

After Kaya was done in the shower I quickly washed my hair and scrubbed myself clean. I dried myself and put on my undergarments and then put on my dress. I slipped on a pair of white lipstick shoes and a pearl necklace with pearl earrings.

I sprayed myself with my Jennifer Lopez perfume and walked to my makeup room. I sat down at my chair and applied foundation, black eyeliner, a shimmery dark blue eyeliner, midnight blue eye shadow to match with my dress, a light pink blush and a shade of light pink lipstick.

I left my brown, wavy hair mould in with my shoulders and let it hang loose. I walked back to my room and saw Kaya fixing Ava's hair.

Ava spotted me and her mouth dropped wide open.

"Oh my gosh Nat! You look absolutely stunning!" Ava rushed forward to me and gave me a tight hug.

"Oh my gosh! You really do Nat! Wow!" Kaya jumped and hugged me as well.

"Thanks guys, but look at you! You guys look beautiful" I pointed at them and they looked incredible. Kaya was wearing a gold sequin dress with black lipstick shoes, her hair was left out and she was wearing gold eye shadow and bright red lipstick. Ava was wearing a rose red dress, that showed off her slim body and silver lipstick shoes. She had her hair done in a side braid and was wearing a light pink lipstick, silver eyeshadow and a silver necklace.

"Ok selfie time!" Kaya took out her phone, and so did Ava and I. We took 100 selfies and we put them all on twitter and Instagram. 'Wow I have so many followers and likes' I thought to myself as I read all the comments.

"Wow I had like 500 followers on Instagram and now I have like 2.4K followers, and they all know about Tom and I...." I slowly said.

"Oh yeah about them knowing..." Ava trailed off.

"Ava what did you do?" I chuckled.

"I might have taken a picture of you and Tom dancing and posted it and told everyone about you guys...."

"Oh Ava" I started laughing and couldn't breath. Kaya and Ava joined in until there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" I yelled and looked in the mirror for the last time.

"Hey Nat your boyfriends are waiting out side, and you girls look really pretty" Josh said.

"Thanks Josh, ok let's go. I will see you later tonight" I quickly grabbed my purse and shoved my car keys, wallet, phone and earphones into it.

"Ok" Josh gave me a tight hug.

Then we walked down stairs and to the front door where we were greeted by 4 good looking gentle man.

They all stood there mouths hung wide open until Ki Hong yelled out "wow they look pretty!" Then everyone started laughing.

Thomas looked at me from head to toe, before holding my hand and whispering in my ear. "Your look perfect babe!" He squeezed my hand and gave me a peck on the lips.

"So do you and that wasn't a real kiss" I said with a smirk. He leaned in towards me and kissed me.

Our lips touched and it felt like electric wires had just zapped me. We broke our kiss and he grabbed me around the waist. "Shall we go, love" he gestured for me to follow him.

"We shall kind sir" I said in my best British accent.

"That was pretty good" he chuckled.

"Thanks" I giggled.

We got into Tom's silver 4WD. I sat in the back with Kaya and Ava, Tom drove and Will sat in the passenger seat and Ki and Dyl sat at the back together.

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