Chapter thirteen :)

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Chapter thirteen

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I sat up in the bed and looked around the room, Ava was hanging off the bed asleep, she was about to fall out. I carefully and quietly got out of bed and looked into the mirror. I fixed my hair until I noticed something. 'What the hell, why am I wearing my pyjamas?' I instantly panicked. 'Wait oh no, I remember. I woke up and slipped them on, gosh I'm an idiot' I slapped my forehead and looked at my phone which read "8:25am". I had 3 messages reading:

Hey babe ;)
- Dylan is the sexiest man alive

'Dylan must have put his contact at that' I thought to myself and changed it to Dylan. Then there was another two from Kaya and Mr Sassy reading:

Heyyyyyyyyyy babyyyyyyy xx ;)
- Mr Sassy

Hey bby we will come over at about 9:00am xx

I quickly replied to Kaya and wrote:

Ok no problems, see you soon xx

I slipped my phone in my pocket and slowly walked down stairs.

I followed the sent of bacon and eggs which lead me all the way to the kitchen. I sat down on a stool at the kitchen bench. Thomas was cooking. "Oh hello love, I didn't think you would be up" he smiled as he walked over to me and gave me a sweet kiss on my cheek before going back to his cooking. "Oh yeah, well actually I smelt something really good" I laughed. "Well your just in time, I made you breakfast" he smirked and sat a plate in front of me.

It had bacon, eggs, toast, tomato and a pancake sitting on the plate. "Oh my gosh, this looks delicious Tom! Thank you" I shot up from my seat and wrapped my arms around his waist.

I began to eat and then Ava came running down the stairs shouting. "OH MY GOD! IS THAT FOOD I SMELL? CHEF ANTONIO ARE YOU HERE? DID YOU MAKE IT?" Ava ran to the kitchen. "Yes it's food and no Tom actually made it" I gave Tom a smile and Ava shrugged and grabbed a plate then started filling up her plate with food.

She sat down beside me and started stuffing her face with food.

I giggled and she smirked. "What it's really yummy" she took another mouthful and went back to eating. "Would you like some tea?" Thomas asked as he turned around with a tea pot. "Only if your having some" I said with a grin. "I sure am, what kind?". "Umm what ever your having" I smirked and he twirled back around and began to make some tea.

Thomas handed me a cute, patterned mug and I took a sip. "Mmm what kind is this" I asked as the warm liquid trickled down my throat. "It's my favourite, peppermint and vanilla" he took a sip from his mug as well.

After I was finished I put my plate and mug in the dishwasher and took Ava's plate as well.

I walked back and sat at the bench. "So what are we doing today?" I questioned. "Well the gang is coming over again and I was wondering if we could go out for dinner because there's this new little restaurant down on Snowdills rd" Ava exclaimed. "Well sounds good to me" I shrugged. "Me to" Thomas added. "Ok cool we will just wait till the others come and we will ask them" she got out from her chair and stretched. "Oh Kaya texted me and said that they will be coming at 9:00 which is in about 10 minutes" I quickly said. "Ok cool. I'm just going to get changed then" Ava made her way up the stairs. "Yeah I might do that too" I followed behind her.

I walked up stairs and into Ava's room. I pulled my bag open and pulled out a black crop top, high waisted denim shorts and black converse. I put on my clothes and then redid my hair. I brushed it and let my brown hair hang loose.

I took half of my hair and put it in a pony tail then added a little black bow. I grabbed my purse and put my sunglasses, car keys, wallet and phone into it.

Ava and I walked back down stairs and she was wearing high waisted denim shorts with a pink Malabo barbie shirt and her high top, pink converse. We walked down the stairs and crashed onto the couch.

Until we heard a knock on the door.

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