Chapter twenty-three :)

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Chapter twenty-three :)

I didn't know what to say. I was speechless and stunned at what Dylan had just said. He said he loved me.

"I..I'm sorry Dylan... But...I still love Thomas." I stuttered.

"No, I mean as a bestest friend." Dylan gave out a nervous chuckle.

"Oh.. Whoops, sorry." I nervously smiled. I felt my cheeks growing with redness.

"Aha it's ok" he chuckled and we began to watch the movie. Will and Kaya were kissing and cuddling. I rolled my eyes and watched the movie.

"Hey guys!" Ki and Ava walked into the room.

"Hey" everyone greeted them and Ki Hong and Ava sat down on the bed next to us.

"How are you feeling?" Ava asked and brought me into a hug. I shrugged and she smiled. She pulled away from the hug.

I gave a yawn and stretched. "I think we should all go and get some sleep," Ava spoke up "it's like 11:30pm".

"Yeah" they all agreed. Will, Dylan and Ki stood up from my bed and walked towards me.

"We love you babe, have good dreams!" Ki Hong hugged me and I hugged back, then he said goodbye to the rest of the gang and walked downstairs.

"Have good dreams Nat, we hope you feel better tomorrow" Will hugged me and then walked to Kaya and kissed her and said good bye.

"Goodnight Nat, we all love you. I love you, and so does Thomas. Remember that." Dylan hugged me and kissed my forehead. He let go and walked down stairs following Will and Ki.

I jumped back in bed and got under the blankets. I turned and faced the window, so I was looking out of it. I thought of all the things that had occurred tonight and tears started trickling down my cheeks. I whipped them away and sniffed.

"Hey, hey it's ok" Ava and Kaya tackled me into a hug and laid beside me.

I nodded and put on a fake smile. "I'm fine." I whipped my eyes and smiled once again. "I'm gonna go to bed now" I smiled.

"Ok, well good night babe" Kaya hugged me and kissed my forehead. Then she laid down next to me.

"Goodnight Nattie" Ava hugged me and laid on the other side of me.

"Ava?" I whispered and faced her.

"Yeah?" She faced me and whispered back.

"How is he?" I took a deep breath and sighed.

"Well let's just say, your doing better then he is. Like really better!" Ava chuckled wearily.

I nodded and turned away, I closed my eyes and tried not to picture the incident that had happened today.

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