Chapter twenty :)

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Chapter twenty

"Hey girls, I have to show you something" I squealed in excitement.

"Ok, and what's that?" Ava asked with confusion in her voice.

"Follow me" I walked out of my room and into Josh's old room. I opened the door and opened another door that lead into a bigger room. I stepped inside and waited for the other girls to come in. I started hearing "Wow" and "awesome".

"Wow this is so cool! I didn't know that Josh had a bathroom in his room, and I didn't know that in his bathroom was a giant bath and a huge shower? Plus a giant vanity, TV and mirror!" Kaya squealed and looked around.

"Actually my brother moved out and now his room is my mums gym room and my mum and I share this bathroom. Well she uses it more, because she likes to do facials and all this stuff" I giggled.

"This is so cool Nat! LIKE OH MY GOSH!" Ava yelled.

"Yeah! So that's why we are gonna be using it!" I giggled and turned on the bath.

"Ok so do you want to do facials and relax for a bit in the bath?" I asked and they all jumped up and down nodding there heads.

"Ok" I giggled and turned on the plasma flat screen TV that was sitting on the wall in front of the bath. "Ok well I will get us some towels" I walked out of the bathroom and into the gym room. I opened up a cupboard and pulled out 3 towels and 3 head wraps. I walked back into the room. Kaya and Ava were watching TV. I hung up the towels and head wraps. "Guys do you want to watch TV or listen to music" I asked.

"Music!" They both said in sync and we started laughing.

"Ok music it is then, well you guys can put on what ever you want" I pointed to the iPod Dock and Kaya plugged her phone into it. She put on Lana Del Rey, my favourite! Cause Lana is queen! I opened a cupboard and pulled out a huge plastic box of body wash, bath bombs, facials etc... Well lots of Lush and the body shop objects.

"Ok well you guys can put what ever you want in the bath" I chuckled and they ran over and started taking lots of things out.

A few minutes later we were all in the gigantic bath that could literally fit about 10 people in. We sat there with facials on amongst the bubbles talking, giggling and fantasising about fictional boys. We took selfies of ourselves with our amazing facials and our bubble beards and hats.

"Guys are you thirsty?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Kaya and Ava nodded.

"Ok well what do you want to drink?" I asked and pushed a thing on the wall. Then a drink holder and drinks popped out of a secret place.

"Oh my gosh wow! This is act so cool! And do you have any ice tea?" Ava squealed.

"Oh my gosh it really is! And I seconds one if you have any?" Kaya replied.

"I sure do, what type?" I went through the list of ice teas and we all ended up getting a mango and peach iced tea. We sat there drinking our tea and talking.

"Ok babes it's already 4:50pm we better get ready now" Kaya said and Ava and I nodded. I reached across and grabbed our towels. I chucked a towel and head wrap to them and they quickly stood up in the bath and wrapped it around them selves and in there hair. I did the same and we walked out of the bathroom and back into my room.

"Ok let's make our selves B -E- A- U- T- I -F -U -L!" Ava yelled and we all giggled.

Moments later I came out of the bathroom wearing a black bodycon dress that had a little triangle in the middle of the waist area, it was quite short to be honest. It went down half way to my thigh. Then I wore black lipstick shoes (I'm so sorry! I'm just obsessed with lipstick shoes....). I wore a silver and pearl love heart necklace that reached my belly button and matching pearl earrings. I walked into the makeup room and Kaya was there doing her hair. She was wearing a long sleeved white bodycon dress that had red sequins down the sides of the dress and was wearing matching red lipstick shoes. Her dress was the same length as mine. She was wearing a red beaded necklace and matching earrings.

"You look perfect Ky!" I squealed and hugged her.

"Look at you Nat!" She hugged back and giggled.

"Nat, do you mind helping me with my hair?" She pouted and I nodded. She sat down on a stool in front of a mirror and I took her hair.

"Ok how do you want it?" I asked and started to brush it.

"Umm surprise me" she giggled. I nodded and began to do her hair.

I put half her hair up in a braid then tied it off, so that half her hair was down and the other was in a braid.

"Done" I smiled.

"Oh my gosh! I love it!" She hugged me tightly and began to do her make up. Then all of a sudden Ava walked into the room acting all sexy.

"Why hello ladies" she leaned on the wall and stroked her leg up and down. Kaya and I laughed and Ava kept trying to act all sexy. Then she walked to the other side of the room and put her leg up on a chair. She began to stroke her leg. Then she slipped and fell on the floor.

"Oh my gosh Ava!" Kaya and I started laughing so hard. So did Ava.

"Are you ok?" I ran to her still laughing and helped her up.

"Yeah! I'm fine" she laughed uncontrollably and got up. She was wearing a short, floral dress that had blue, pink, white and yellow flowers on it. It had a couple of slits in the back area that showed her skin. Then she wore white lipstick shoes and her hair was left out. She had light pink lipstick and blush and a light blue eyeshadow. She wore cute blue flower earrings and a blue flower necklace that reached her belly button. She looked beautiful.

"Your look beautiful Ava!" Kaya and I said in sync.

"Why that you ladies but so do you!" She giggled and sat down.

"Thanks, I'm just gonna do my makeup" I said and walked to my makeup box. I applied foundation, liquid eyeliner, mascara, plum coloured lipstick and a light shade of purple/black eyeshadow. Then I did my hair. I left it out but curled the ends of my hair.

"Well I'm done, what about you guys?" I asked and they all nodded. We walked out of the makeup room and into my room. I quickly texted Tom to see if he could pick up Kaya and Ava too from my house and he agreed. "Ok so Tom is gonna pick us up" I told the girls.

"Ok, sounds good" Kaya said and Ava nodded. I grabbed my clutch and shoved my purse, phone, car keys, makeup and perfume into it. We grabbed our presents for Josh and our stuff. Then there was a knock at the door.

"He's here" Ava looked out the window.

"Ok well let's go!" Kaya squealed and we linked arms and walked down the stairs, giggling like 5 year olds. Thomas stood at the door wearing black skinny jeans, a white top and black vans. He looked really cute.

"My lady" he put out his arm and I linked arms with him. We walked to his car and he opened my door.

"Why thank you kind sir" I said in my best British accent and heard giggling and awes coming from Kaya and Ava. We all got into the car. Thomas was driving, I was in the passenger seat and then the two girls were at the back.

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