Chapter six :)

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Chapter six

We walked from the games rooms and I sat at the dinner table. Our dinner table was fairly large, you can fit 10 people. I sat down on a chair and Thomas sat next to me smiling. Yum the food look's great! There was roast pork, potatoes, vegetables, garlic bread, sausages, salad, pasta and rice.

"Mum this looks and smells amazeballs" Josh yelled out and I laughed.

"Since when did you start using amazeballs" my dad asked as he chuckled.

"Since I looked at this food" Josh said and everyone around the table laughed.

"Bon appetite" Tasha yelled as she gave everyone a plate.

Everyone dug into their food and the dads made some of their award wining dad jokes, while my mum was telling stories about how I was such a cute baby and used to do pageants. Mark was telling us how this guy can make his eyes pop out of his socket. I had a really good time and Tom's parents are lovely, well his whole family is.

After dinner we had desert and Tasha sang us a song and invited my parents to her show tomorrow night, which they agreed. So that means I will be home alone with Josh and his girlfriend Emily.

We decided to watch a movie and Tom, Josh and our dads all wanted to watch Star Wars, while Ava, our mums and I wanted to watch The fault in our stars. I absolutely love the fault in our stars, especially Augustus Waters. He may be a one legged, boy but he sure is one cutie!

We end up winning and we got to watch the fault in our stars, in the end the boys actually liked it.

Josh started bawling his eyes out and I could see my dad and Mark tearing up. Ava was crying and my mum and Tasha were hugging each other and full on crying. Thomas was asleep laying on my shoulder and I fiddled with his hair. 'He's so cute when he sleeps' I thought to myself. "Am I now" Thomas smiled. "What?" I whispered. "You said I was cute when I sleep" his warm breath tickling my neck.

"Shiz did I say that out loud!?" I smacked myself in the head. "Aha yep" he laughed. "Real smooth Nat" I said under my breath.

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