Chapter seventeen :)

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The boys were talking about cars and the girls and I, were talking about our favourite café's. Which was quite unusual.

"Nat which car do you think is faster? A Ferrari or a sports car?" Dylan shouted.

"Well it doesn't matter really, because who cares if their fast. You have to look at the most safest and the most suitable option. Not the fastest, why are you training to be a race car driver? " I simply said and everyone laughed.

"True but no I mean the fastest not safest and crap and no, I'm not! I'm just looking for a really cool car so I can show it off to all the ladies" Dylan started laughing.

"Well I reckon you should get a white van, also get a really big candy jar filled with sweets and drive around in it asking little kids if they want candy" everyone started laughing including Dylan.

"Haha your so funny and mean Nat, but your still hot" he bit down on his lip causing Thomas to throw a pen at his head.

"Owww" Dylan yelled which made everyone laugh more.

"Hey Tom put some music on!" Ava called out.

"Ok" Tom turned on the radio and put on his cd.

Thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran started playing. Everyone started to sing along with it.
Until people didn't know some of the words they stopped and then I was singing it all by myself. Will turned down the volume and I was stuck singing it alone, not even realising that he turned off the volume. At the end of the song they all started clapping.

"Wow Nat, I didn't know you were such a great singer" Kaya yelled.

"Yeah Nat! That was really good!" Ki Hong clapped harder.

"No seriously you are really good babe!" Thomas yelled.

"I agree! Your really hot and you can sing, what other hidden talents do you have?" Dylan asked while smirking.

"Thanks guys and that's really it" I gave a small nervous laugh.

We finally arrived at the restaurant and Thomas and Will opened our doors. Thomas took a hold of my hand and helped me out of the car. "Thank you" I smiled and he nodded.

We all walked in and were greeted by a bald, tall man. Dylan pretended to rub his head while the waiter had his back turned away from us. He escorted us to our table; which was placed in a quiet area by a giant glass window, that over looked the ocean.

Thomas sat across from me. And Dylan sat next to Ava and I. Across us was Thomas, Will and Kaya.

"Did you see that guys head, if I rubbed it three times I bet ya a genie would come out" Dylan yelled and everyone started laughing.

"Ok well before we order anything, I just wanted to say something" Will go out of his chair. "Kaya and I are dating and have been dating for about a year now and I just wanted to ask her something" Will slowly got down on one knee and took out a small ring box.

Kaya had tears slipping down her cheeks and covered her mouth with her hands. The others were speechless and had their mouths wide open.

"Kaya will you do me the honour of being my wife" he looked up at her and took out a beautiful diamond ring.

"Yes Will! Yes!" Kaya screamed and jumped into Wills arms.

He slipped the ring on her finger and gave her a kiss. "WHAT THE HELL! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THIS!?" Dylan screamed.

"I'm sorry Dyl, we just wanted it to be a secret" Kaya answered and put a hand on his shoulder. "If I buy you dinner would you be happy?" Will asked. Dylan nodded enthusiastically. "Ok" Will chuckled.

We talked about Kaya and Will and the wedding and things.

We paid for our dinner and drove back home. Thomas dropped off Kaya and Will at Will's house and dropped Ki Hong and Dylan at their house. Then Thomas pulled up at my house and opened the car door for me.

"Thanks" I smiled. "Anything for my lady" he replied and put his hand out for me to take it. I took his hand and walked out of the car and he walked with my to my door.

Ava just sat in the car spectating everything.

"Thank you for a great night Tom" I gave him a small kiss on the cheek. His cheeks instantly blared up with warmth and changed colour, into a dark crimson. I gave out a small giggle and he looked down at his feet, studying it like it was the greatest thing on the planet.

"No thank you" he looked up and gave me a sweet kiss on my lips. I smiled through it and then we pulled away.

I looked at him and smiled. My cheeks started to heat up and I took hold of my doorknob to the front door. I looked at him and he said "I will call you" and he stumbled a few times but managed to keep his balance and got into his car. I waved at them and they waved back then reversed and drove into their driveway. I opened the door and walked in.

Only to be greeted by the one person I despise the most.


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