Chapter thirty :)

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Chapter thirty

2 months later

I stood looking in the mirror. The day has finally come. I'm finally getting married to Thomas. I'm finally getting married to the love of my life. I stood at the doors wearing a lace vintage wedding dress. My hair was half down the other half was in a braid. Although my hair was small white pearls. My makeup was mostly nude. But I did have a good amount of lipstick, a pastel pink. I had a pair of white high heels.

I stood there shaking.

"Nat, you look beautiful!" Kaya whipped her eyes.

"Thank you!" I tried not to cry because I didn't want to ruin my makeup. I pulled her I to a hug.

"Sister, you look perfect!" Ava hugged me as well.

"Thanks Ava, oh also I want you after this to meet my friend Harry. I reckon you guys would like each other!" I smiled and she nodded.

"Nat! You have turned out to be a beautiful young women!" My dad whipped away his tears. He kissed my forehead and I smiled.

"Thanks dad." I hugged his tightly.
Kaya, Ava, Evie were my bridesmaids. They looked beautiful. They wore a baby blue velvet dress. Ki, Dyl, Will and Josh were Tom's best men.

The doors opened.

"It's show time kiddo." My dad linked our arms together and I nodded. 'Ok Nat, if you don't fall over, fart, start randomly laughing, cry or just do something stupid I will let you eat 2 pieces of cake!' I told myself.

My bridesmaids walked in front of me one by one. Then it was my turn.

A thousand years instrumental started playing. My dad and I walked down the aisle. My eyes wondered around the church and my heart rate sped up. Until I met those gorgeous brown eyes. My heart beat slowed down and i felt like I was just with him. I made my way at the end of the stairs and my dad let go of me. Thomas held out his hand for me to take and I took it.

He held our hands together and I looked into his eyes not wanting to leave his sight.


"You may kiss the bride."

Thomas without hesitation wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my lips. I was a magical moment. Sparks flew around in my stomach and I felt like I could fly. I heard cheering and clapping in the background and that's when I realised that everyone was there.

Thomas and I pulled away and I smiled at him giving him another peck on the lips. Then Marry you by Bruno Mars started playing.


Tom and I smiled. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist. We swayed to come away with me by Nora jones.

"Natalie Taylah Sangster, I love you! So much, words just can't describe it!" He kissed my nose.

"Thomas Brodie Sangster, I love you too! And I mean it. When I first me you I thought you were the cutest dork ever. But then I really got to know you and that's when I fell in love." I smiled.

"You thought I was the cutest dork?" He chucked.

"You know what I mean!" I giggled and kissed him.

"May I?" Dylan asked and Thomas nodded. Dylan took my waist and I took his shoulders. "Ok, by the time you come home from your honey moon. I expect you to be pregnant and also the sons or daughters name is gonna be Dylan ok." Dylan smirked.

"Mmmm yeah I don't think so." I giggled.

"Argh... It was worth a try!" He huffed and I laughed harder.

"Where's Ki? He wants to dance with you Dylan!" I told him and pushed him in Ki Hong's direction. I watched as Dylan put the finger up at me and he made his way to Ki who was leaning against the wall watching people dance. I heard them talking then Dylan led Ki out onto the dance floor. They started dancing and I giggled in delight.

"Hey babe." Kaya came and stared dancing with me.

"Hey ky." We danced together. "Where's Ava?" I asked.

"Oh you know that guy you were talking about? Well she met him and now they can't stop talking and stuff." Kaya giggled.

"I knew they would get on really well." I giggled.

"Sorry, but may I cut in?" Will startled me and I nodded he took Kaya away from me and Kaya winked. They slow danced and then Thomas came back.

"Ah, finally I get you to myself." He chuckled. And I giggled at his jealously.


HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY right now I'm watching the little mermaid! yayyyyyyyyyyyyy don't diss I love the little mermaid!

Q: What is your dream wedding?

A: My dream wedding would be just to get married to Thomas Sangster and fly around on my pet unicorn.

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