Chapter five :)

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Chapter five

He got up from his bed and walked over to us, Ava walked back down stairs and we followed. "I'm just going to get changed into something else" Ava said as she ran into what seemed like her room.

"Ok" Josh replied. She came out wearing a white top with a puppy on it and lime green shorts. "Let's go" Thomas said and we followed Ava out of the door. Josh and Ava were walking together while Thomas and I were at the back taking our time. "So you never told me that you were famous" I looked him straight in the eyes and he kept his head down.

"How did you find out?" He asked and looked up at me. "Well I tripped over that magazine and then I remembered that you were laughing at it so I had a look in it and your name was there and all this stuff about the maze runner.... That's honestly pretty cool!" I smiled and he grinned.

"Thomas why didn't you even want me to know anyway?" I asked with curiosity taking over my body. "Well... I just didn't want you to think that I was a famous, know it all idiot.... And I didn't want you to treat me differently just because I'm in a few movies" he slowly replied. "Thomas even though I have only met you today, I like you and I don't actually care if your famous. Hell I don't even care if your a hobo, it's what's in side that matters" I gave him a sweet smile.

He smiled at me then said "I like you a lot Natalie". "Just called me Nat and hey I still haven't worked out what to call you. Although I have a few ideas" I said with a cheeky smirk. "Mmmm yeah like what?" He grinned. "Maybe like Tommy, Tom or Tombalina. Aha did you see what I did there" I laughed and he gave a chuckle. "Aha yes I do see, I don't mind what you call me." He said and we walked to my front gate to my house and opened it.

Josh and Ava were already at the front door. "Ok " we walked up to the front door and then I opened the door. Josh and Ava were already walking down towards the games room. I quickly ran to my room and changed into leggings and a oversized tie dyed shirt.

I ran back down the stairs and Tom and I followed behind. We got into the games room and sat down the the couch. Thomas sat next to me.

Ava and Josh sat on chairs on the opposite side, smirking at us."ok shall we play?" I asked so everyone could stop eyeing Thomas and I. "Yep sure, can I do the dip dip one?" Josh stood up and pleaded. "Ok" I rolled my eyes and Thomas let out a laugh. "dip, dip dog poo who stood in it what colour was it?" It landed on Ava. "Umm blue" she said trying to think of a colour. "Your not in Tom" tom yelled a yes and Josh kept going.

After a while it landed on me and I was out, that left Ava and Josh in, but Ava got out so Josh was in. "Yes! I wanted to be in any way" he yelled and started to walk over against a wall. "I will count to 100" Josh started counting. ",9.10" I quickly jumped up from the couch and pulled Tom's arm.

I carefully opened the back door that leads to the backyard and we ran outside. Ava hid in a cupboard in the games room. "Follow me" I whispered. "Ok" he said and I grabbed his wrist. We ran around the corner of the house and we hid behind a tree. I sat down and Tom sat next to me.

We waited there silently for a few minutes until we saw Josh walk out of the games room. "Come out come out where ever you are little kids, I am going to eat you up for my dinner" Josh started saying all of this funny and creepy stuff. I could feel Thomas's hot breath on my neck.

I gave a small giggle and then Josh disappeared. "I think he's gone" Thomas said as he stood up and helped me up. "found you's!" Josh yelled and jumped from behind a bush.
I laughed and we walked in side.

"Now Ava you win, so come out" Josh yelled then Ava popped out of the cupboard. "Hey bishes" she joked as she came out. "Were you seriously hiding it there?!" Thomas started cracking up laughing. "Yeah" she jumped on the couch and laughed.

"Guys dinner is ready" my mother shouted.

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