Chapter twenty-six :)

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Chapter twenty-six

'Woah, what just happened? Did I really just do that?' I paced back and forth inside my room then jumped on my bed. 'Arhhhhhhh, ok well I'm going to go to sleep. I will put on my alarm' I put on my alarm to wake me up at 5:30pm. I got underneath the duvet and closed my eyes.



"Beep! beep! beep!" My alarm went off, I clicked the button and got up. I stretched and walked into my bathroom. I stripped and got into the shower.


"What am I going to wear?" I dried my hair with my towel. I walked towards my wardrobe and pulled out a black and white sleeveless button up top, some white skinny jeans, and some black studded sandals. I put them on and then slung my black satchel bag over my shoulder. Then I put on my necklace, earrings and bracelet. I tied my hair up into a high, messy bun. Then I applied my makeup: foundation, liquid eyeliner, mascara, a little bit of blush and a burgundy coloured lipstick.

I grabbed my phone and looked and saw that it was already 5:56pm I shoved my phone, house keys, car keys and purse into my satchel. I walked out of my room and down stairs. I walked out side the front door and locked it behind me. Then I walked over to Tyler's apartment. I walked up to the front porch and knocked.

I heard muffled words like "crap, she's here, no, hide". 'Whats going on in there?'. I was cut out of my thoughts when a half dressed Tyler answered the door. He looked sweaty and was out of breath.

"Oh hey nat" he took a deep breath and stood in front of the half shut door, so I couldn't see what's inside his apartment.

"Hey...." I stood there confused.

"Tyler, come back! I need you!" A muffled girls voice came from inside. Then a girl wearing only her undergarments came to the door.

"Ok, well I will leave you guys to it. Bye" I walked away.

"No don't leave Nat!" He yelled but I put up my middle finger and walked to my car.

'Ok well I didn't get dressed up for nothing, I will go to mum and dad's house.' I unlocked my car and slipped in.


I parked my car in the driveway and got out. I walked up to the front door and opened the door.

"Oh hello Natalie." My dad walked over to me and hugged me.

"Hey." I hugged back.

I released from my dad's hug.

"Well, why don't you stay here for dinner?" My mum asked.

"Argh... it's fine..." I backed away slowly.

"Aww c'mon pumpkin!" My dad teased.

"Oh alright." I smiled.

"Nat, we have to talk." My mum patted a seat on the couch.

"Ok" I walked over and sat next to her.

"Well your father and I have thought that it wouldn't be a really good decision to move in with Josh... So that's why you get your own apartment." My mum pulled me into a hug.

"Are you serious!?" I hugged back, "thank you! Thank you!".

My parents nodded and handed me the keys, map to where it is and paperwork.

"Hey mum have you heard from Thomas?" I asked.

"Argh... Well.. Yeah" my mum said.

"How is he?"

"Well, I heard things being broken and screams. So I went over to their house and Thomas was there smashing things and crying and screaming. But I cleaned his scratches and wounds and because his mum and dad were performing late I made Thomas come over and we gave him dinner. We talked about what happened and he slept over"

"Oh..." That was all I could say.

"Nat you know he really loves you!" My mum started.

I nodded and sighed.

"I'll be back I just have to tell Josh."
I pulled out my phone and walked out side and to a small park. I sat down at the bench and I dialled his number and called him.


Josh was super happy for me.

I started to walk back home when someone bumped into me.

"Sorry." I looked up and saw Thomas.

"Natalie, just listen please!" Thomas yelled.

"Thomas leave me alone!"

"Nat, please" tears started coming from his eyes. I looked at him and stood there.

"Fine" I sighed.

"It was her! She brought me out there, she started yelling at me and stuff. Then when she heard someone coming she pushed me into her. I tried to fight back and push her off, but I couldn't. She was overly jealous and that's why she he did that, she kissed me I didn't she did. But Natalie, I love you!" Thomas leaned into me and kissed me.

Our lips collided and I felt happiness and joy spread through me.

"I love you too" by the time I was finished talking tears had slipped down my cheeks.

"Natalie Taylah White, will you do me the honour of being my wife?" He pulled out a ring box.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I kissed him harder and he slipped the ring onto my finger.



"Thank you for the dinner." Thomas said.

"My pleasure" my mum smiled.

"We better get going, I need to move into my apartment." I smirked.

"Did you tell her?" Thomas asked my dad.

"I thought you were." My dad chuckled.

"Tell me what?" I answered and looked at them confused.

"That Thomas bought the apartment for you, actually it was for the both of you" my mum blurted out.

"Oh, so I guess we are roommates" I giggled.

"That sounds amazing!" Thomas chuckled.

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