Chapter fifteen :)

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Chapter fifteen

We all walked to my house and I unlocked the door and stepped it. "Josh I'm home and I have friends" I yelled as they all came through the door. Josh walked out for the kitchen. "Wow! I didn't know you were friends with famous people, and actually I didn't even know you had friends at all" Josh laughed and took a sip from his cup. Everyone just started laughing.

"Yep real funny! Where's Emily?" I asked.

"She's asleep" he shrugged.

"Oh ok, well we are just going for a swim, and when's mum and dad coming home?" I asked as I snatched the cup out of my brothers hand and took a drink.

"They are coming home late tonight" he shrugged and I handed him back his cup.

"Oh ok" I nodded my head and started walking to the back door. "Come on" they all followed me and then the wow's began.

They all wowed and Dylan started jumping up and down like a little girl.

"This is so cool!" Ki Hong yelled.

I gave a chuckled and put my stuff down on a sun baking chair.

"There is a slide and everything!" Dylan screamed and ran to the slide that connected to a huge pool. I got undressed and slowly walked into the water with Kaya and Ava at my side.

"This is so cool!" Kaya screamed as she gave a giggle.

"Yeah I guess" I shrugged.

"Do you even use it that often?" Kaya asked.

"Not really, I only really go swimming when I have other people here" I huffed.

"Ok well looks like we are going to have to come here more often" Ava gave a wink and Kaya and I laughed.

I then dove straight in and let the warm water encircle me. I slowly sank to the bottom then raised back up to the surface for air. Dylan and Ki Hong were playing around on the slide that connected to the pool and they were on the playground that we have in our pool, from when Josh and I were younger.

A while after swimming and playing around in the pool Ava, Kaya and I got out.

"I swear my fingers are prunes! I probably look like an old lady" Ava joked and Kaya and I laughed.

"Same here!" Kaya looked at her hands and shoved them in my face, "oh hello dear it's your grandma". She teased.

"My grandmas dead" I lied and pretended to cry. I covered my hands up over my face to stop the laughter from escaping.

"Oh my gosh Nat I'm so sorry, I didn't know" Kaya brought me into a hug.

"I'm only joking" I laughed and she pushed me. Kaya and Ava started giggling.

We walked towards a row of sun-baking chairs and we sat down on them. I slipped on my sunnies and the girls did the same.

I watched as Dylan, Ki Hong, Will and Thomas played around in the water. Dylan was on Ki Hong's neck and Thomas was on Wills neck, they were trying to knock each other over in the water.

"So Kaya what's going on with you and Will" Ava broke the silence, I turned around to look at Kaya who was blushing and looking down at her feet.

"What do you mean what's going on with Will and I? We are just friends" I could tell she was lying because she kept scratching her nose and wouldn't make eye contact with us. Also we saw them kissing.

"Oh really?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yep, just friends" she wasn't a really good liar even tho she was an extremely good actress.

"Kaya we saw you, don't worry we won't say anything" Ava said and Kaya looked up at the both of us and smiled.

"Thanks girls" she hugged us both.

"No problem and how long have you guys been dating" I added as much oomph in 'dating' as possible.

"Well actually you may not believe it but ever since we started filming the maze runner" she giggled.

"Wow that's like a year!" Ava yelled really loud causing the boys to look over.

"Shhhh! I know!" Kaya giggled uncontrollably.

"Aww that's so sweet" I smiled and Ava and Kaya giggled.

"Mmm and what about Tom and you?" Kaya wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

"Their dating!" Ava let out a giant squeal and made me chuckle.

"Awww! Calm down Ava and how long?" Kaya asked.

"Erm since yesterday" I cracked up laughing.

"It's still sweet tho because it takes a while for Tom, to like a girl and the last girlfriend he had was 2 years ago and she cheated on him.... So yeah, but he's only ever had 3 girlfriends in his whole 24 years" she winked.

"Awww" I awed and Kaya giggled.

"What's the time?" I asked and Kaya checked her watch.

"It's 1:16pm should we get some lunch? I am pretty hungry" Kaya asked.

"Yes lunch sounds great!" Ava jolted up from her seat and called the boys over.

We ended up agreeing on getting pizza and Will payed.

We sat by the pool with our pizza and coke. Eating, talking and laughing. I grabbed my phone and plugged it into my speakers.

I put on my playlist and XO by beyoncė played. Us girls started dancing and singing while Dyl and Ki Hong had an argument on which transformers movie is better.

I grabbed Tom's wrist and made him dance with me, Kaya did the same but with Will.

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