Chapter four :)

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Chapter four

I checked myself in the mirror for the last time before walking down stairs. I opened my bedroom door and gracefully walked down the stairs when I then entered the living room. I was greeted by the smell of roast pork. "Oh hello Natalie" my mother called out to me as she turned in her chair to face me. "Hi" I said nervously. "Hello I'm Mrs Sangster but you can call me Tasha and this is Mark, who is stuffing his face with cheese and biscuits" she got up from her chair and gave me a hug. She smelt of roses, which was nice. I smiled as she released from the hug and the she trotted over to the couch and sat down besides my mum. She was lovely.

"Umm where's Josh?" I asked as I walked over to my mum. I didn't want to ask my dad because he seemed to be in a deep conversation about cheese with Mark. "I think he's in the games room with Thomas and Ava" she smiled and continued talking to Tasha.

I walked out of the living room and down the walkway just opposite of the kitchen. I came to a stop at the games room and I could hear them squealing and what sounded like gunshots. 'They must be playing call of duty' I walked in and saw a pretty girl with light brown hair and chocolate eyes. She's was beautiful, she was wearing a pink floral dress and black high heels. Her hair was in a braid at the back. I scanned the room for Thomas but he wasn't in there it was only Josh and this girl, and buy the looks of it the girl was beating him in the game.

"Oh hey nat" Josh jumped up and down when he killed a zombie. "Hey" I nervously said back. "Hello I'm Ava" the girl paused the game and got up from her chair to give me a hug. "Hi I'm Natalie or nat" I hugged her back then released and gave her a smile. "So your our new neighbour! Thank god there is a girl!" Ava said as she chuckled. I laughed and nodded. "Erm where's Thomas?" I asked and Ava smirked. "Oh he's at home, doing something but should be here soon. You can go over if you want?" She spoke in a fluorescent British voice. "Argh no it's fine... I can wait till he gets here" I said and walked over to the chair next to Josh.

Ava smiled and sat down beside me. "Hey Nat I bet ya I can beat you!" Josh squealed. "I bet I can beat you with only using one hand!" I pushed him on to the beat. "Ok your on, and for the person who looses they can... Umm... They have to take the winner out for lunch" he said with an evil smirk. "Your on!" I grinned back and we started to play.

I ended up killing Josh 37 times and he killed me 11 times. The game ended and I won. "I win! I win! You owe me lunch!" I jumped up and down screaming like an insane person. Josh just stood there with his head down huffing and Ava sat there giggling and clapping.

"Fine cause your a baby you don't have to get me lunch" I smirked and sat back down. "Ok, I'm bored anyways!" Josh whined. "Same" Ava said with a huff. "I've got an idea, why don't we play hide and seek?" I gave them a stern yet child like look. "Yes! I love that game, I remember when Tom and I used to play it when we were younger. Actually do you want to go see if he wants play play with us" Ava asked with enthusiasm. "Ok, let's go" Josh got up and we all followed him.

We walked into the living room. "Hey mum we are just going to get Thomas and we will be back" Ava said to her mum. "Ok sweetie, just be back soon because dinner is nearly ready" Tasha replied and continued the conversation with my mum. We walked out of the door and into the brisk night. It was chilly but not that cold. We walked to Thomas's house and Ava opened the door. We walked in and followed Ava upstairs.

We walked down a hallway and into a room. Thomas was sitting on his bed with paper work and highlighters in front of him. Ava tapped on the door. Then Thomas's head shot up and looked in our direction. "Hey" he said as he shoved all of his paperwork to the side. "Hey Tom we were just wondering if you wanted to play hide and seek with us" she asked. "Erm not really I'm kinda busy" Thomas said as he pushed his hand threw his sand coloured hair. "Please please please!" Ava spoke like a 6 year old and pouted. Thomas chuckled and answered "ok" then he got up from his bed and walked over to us.

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