Chapter eight :)

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Chapter eight

After I was finished with my meal I took my plate to the kitchen and put it into the dishwasher. I took Thomas's and Ava's plates and put it into the dishwasher. "Hey Nat you don't have to do that" Ava pleaded as she shooed me away. "No it's fine, really I actually don't mind it" I smiled and Ava huffed. "Ok" she whined. Thomas just laughed.
"So what are we doing today?" Ava asked her eyes wide open.

"I'm not sure" I shrugged. "Can we please go shopping, I need to get some bikinis" Ava pleaded. "Actually that sounds like fun, if we go shopping afterwards we can go to the beach?" I asked and Ava nodded with enthusiasm. "That sounds like a great idea, love" Thomas stretched. "Well I'm going to get dressed but when I'm ready we can go" Ava ran upstairs.

"Well while we're waiting do you want to take a tour of the Sangster house?" He chuckled. "Sure, I'd love to" I smiled brightly. He showed me around his house. He actually has a huge house and it's beautiful, it instantly makes you feel welcomed and warm. "ok so this is my room" he walked into a large room, the one I saw last night.

He sat on his king sized bed and watched me as I walked around his room, taking everything in. I came to a stop at his bookshelf and ran my fingers over the spines of the books. "Wow you have a lot of great books" I said mad turned to him.

He smiled and nodded. I walked over to his desk and sat down in his chair. "Oh my gosh.... Did you draw this?" I held up a sketch of a girl. Her hair was the same shade of colour as mine and her eyes were full of sorrow and she had hurt on her face.

I was breathless at the detail he used. "Argh yeah..." He slowly replied. "It's amazing. The way you've captured the detail and what the emotions on the girls face. I can't instantly tell that she is feeling alone, afraid and depressed." My eyes wonder up the page.

I put the drawing flat on his desk. "Whats the story behind it?" I asked looking back at him. "Erm... Well I tried to capture my emotions and put them into a drawing of.... Of.. You." He sighed and I looked back at him. "This is incredible" I walked over to him and sat down beside him. "Thank you" he smiled and I smiled back.

Then all of a sudden Ava came barging into the door "hey lovebirds! Are we ready to go" Ava smirked. "Ah yeah and we're not lovebir-" I got cut off by Ava. "Not yet perhaps" she gave a wink to Thomas and he playfully rolled his eyes.

We got up from the bed and made our way down stairs. "Do you guys want to take my car?" I asked. "I don't mind" Thomas replied. "Ok we will take my car" I giggled and Ava clapped her hands.

We walked out of their house and we walked to my car. I unlocked my car and jumped into the drivers seat, Thomas go into the passenger seat and Ava sat at the back.

I put my keys in the ignition and started the car. I turned on my CD and turned it up. Ava and I were singing along to Shake it off by Taylor swift. Thomas was laughing the whole way through it.

I parked and we got out of the car. "Ok let's go" Ava jumped up and down. "Hehe ok" I laughed. We walked into the entrance of the mall. "Can we check out City beach?" Ava asked.

"Sure lets go, Tom if it's boring for you you can go somewhere else" I gave him a smile. "No no love, it's fine I want to see you try on your clothes" he smirked I gave a sheepish laugh and we walked into City beach.

I walked down the aisles looking for some bikinis. I found a few that would be perfect for Ava. Ava was in the change room while Thomas sat on a chair in front of it on his phone. "Ava I found some bikinis that you might like" I threw them over the door for her. "Thanks babe" she yelled back. "No problem".

Ava walked out of the changing rooms to show me her bikinis, they were a strapless pink pair. "Oh my gosh! Yes, you have to buy them!" She spun around and did a little cat walk. "Ok" she laughed and got changed into her clothes.

Ava wondered down the aisles looking for a pair of bikinis for me. "Oh my gosh Nat! I found some that would look perfect on you!" Ava yelled from the other side of the shop. I laughed and walked over to her. She held up a pair of neon turquoise, triangle bikinis (if you want to see what it looks like, it's at the front of the chapter. It's the Image) "oh my gosh, these are so pretty!" I said and took them out of her hands. "I'm going to try them on" I walked over to the changing room and tried them on. I looked into the mirror on the door.

I am very tan and the neon colour stands out on my skin. I am quite thin, I guess it's from all of the running. I unlocked the changing room door and stepped out. Ava had a huge smile on her face and Thomas's eyes were skimming down my body with is jaw dropped open.

"Umm, what do you think?" I asked and looked at Ava. "There perfect!" She yelled. "Holy cow! She looks so hot!" Thomas whispered to Ava and she nodded in agreement. I laughed and walked back into the changing room. I heard Thomas moan and curse "no I wanted to look at her more!" I started laughing and got changed into my clothes that I was originally wearing.

I walked out of the changing room and Ava and I lined up to purchase our items. Ava was in front of me. Ava snatched my bikinis out of my hands and quickly handed them to the lady. "Ava what are you doing?" I asked she smiled.

She gave the lady her money. "I just wanted to thank you for being an awesome next door neighbour and my best friend" she hugged me and the lady gave her the bag. "Here" she pulled out the bikini. "I could've bought that myself, you didn't have to do that!" I whined. "I did have to do that! Now shut up ask be grateful" she laughed.

I hugged her again. "Ok well let's get some lunch, and I'm paying" we walked out of the store with Thomas following us. "Ok, sounds good" Ava laughed.

We went to Subway and I bought the two of them a subway. When we were finished we went to multiple stores afterwards. "Hey girls, I need to get some more shirts. I will be back" he said and walked out of forever 21. "Ok" Ava shouted.

Thomas came back with a bag of shirts and then Ava and I payed for our clothes. "Let's go home now, then we can go to the beach" Ava said. We all nodded and walked back to my car. We got in and drove back to my house, the music was turned up really loud again and Ava and I were singing our hearts out.

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