Chapter ten :)

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Chapter 10

We walked down towards the beach, then Ava came jogging over to us. "Hey" she said as she removed her thongs. "Hey, so what did you say to them" I nudged her with my elbow and she giggled. "I just asked them about some good areas in town and stuff" she smirked. "Oh and is that it" I smiled. "Yeah" she sighed.

We walked along the sand until we found a nice shady place. I sat down all of my belongings and laid out my towel. "Ok, I don't know about you guys but I'm going for a swim" I slipped off my thongs and pulled my beach cover off. Thomas stood there with his eyes locked on my body. "It's rude to stare" I said in a snarky voice. Ava laughed and she pulled off her shorts and top. Then Thomas snapped back to reality "huh?". I just laughed and walked towards the beach, with Ava at my side.

Thomas quickly threw off his shirt and ran up to us. 'Wow I didn't know Tom had abs' I stared at his body and bit down on my bottom lip. "It's rude to stare" he said trying to mimic me. "Shut up" I pushed him and he laughed. Ava and I got a few stares and whistles. I blushed and Ava just smiled at the guys that whistled. Thomas gave them cold death glares. When we reached the tide line I dipped my feet into the refreshing water. I started to walk in and the water surrounded my tan body. It was cold at first and I jolted up a few times but then it became warm. "Come in!" I yelled at them. "Um it's too cold" Ava said standing there. Then Thomas came up from behind her and grabbed her by the waist. He dragged her into the water and chucked her into the waves.

"Thomas I hate you!" Ava yelled as she started to splash Thomas with water. Thomas just laughed and dove straight in. I did the same. After a while of swimming and talking we got out and Ava and I chose to sun-bake.

We walked back over to our towels on the golden sand and laid down on our towels. We laid on our stomachs next to each other. "So you and Thomas aye, do you like him" she questioned. 'I really do! But I don't think he likes me back' I thought to myself. "Yeah...." I smiled awkwardly. She giggled "I thought so". "Is it that obvious" I asked biting down on my bottom lip. "Yes!" She shouted and began to laugh. I laughed as well. "But he doesn't like me, so it doesn't really matter..." I trailed off.

"Are you kidding? I've never seen him so happy in his life! He smiles so much more and makes jokes, he hasn't done that in 2 years" she said as she rolled over onto her back.

"Anyway, do you want to stay over tonight? Tom probably asked you but anyway" she asked and smirked. "Aha yeah he already asked and sure, I'd love to" I rolled over onto my back. "So what about you? Is there any guy that you may fancy" I winked at her and she just smiled. "Nah" she huffed. "Ooo what about brunet 12 o'clock" I turned around and she followed my gaze. "Yes, I will be back" she got up and ran after him. I just laughed. I rolled over again so I was on my stomach.

Thomas laid down next to me, on Ava's towel. "Hey love" he said. "Hey tommy" I gave him a little wave. "You know your getting burnt on your back" he looked at me. "Oh crap, really?" I asked and sat up. "Yeah, don't worry" he pulled out the sunscreen. "Lay down" he told me. "Erm ok" I did as told and he started to rub the sunscreen onto my back. 'Wow this feels great, he should be a massage worker' I though to my self.

He rubbed all the sunscreen onto my back. "All done" he put the sunscreen away. "Thanks Tom" I smiled up at him. Thomas nodded and laid beside me. Tom and I started talking about random things and then Ava came over. "Hey are we ready to go?" Ava asked I nodded and got up. I helped Thomas up as well.

We packed all of our stuff up and walked back over to my car. We got in and I turned on the music again. "Hey Ava did you get that guys number?" I smirked. "Sure did!" She grinned. "Aww that's cute!" she just smiled and I smiled back. Then we drove home.
"Hey Nat can I put on a song?" Thomas asked. "Sure". He changed the songs a few times until let her go came on. "This has always been on of my favourites" he smiled.

Then we arrived at home. We got out of the car. "I will be back I'm just going to get my stuff for tonight" I ran inside and up stairs. "Hey Josh! I'm sleeping over Ava's house tonight" I yelled as I walked into my room. "Ok" he replied.

I had a quick shower and washed all of the sand from my body then put on pink floral shorts and a white top. I slipped on my converse and applied some makeup. I grabbed my Nike bag and put some random clothes that I found. I put my makeup, hairbrush and accessories in it. I put my car keys and wallet in my purse. I took out my phone and I had 2 missed messages;

Hey Nat, your father and I will be home late. So if you want to go to a friends house for the night you can do that xx
- Mum

Darl, we are staying at a hotel for tonight with the Tasha and Mark because we are going to the cheese factory tomorrow morning and we thought that we might as well sleep here. Also there is $60 in the cookie jar so you can buy dinner or something. Be good to Josh and I will see you soon! Love you xx
- Mum

I started to text her back:

Ok thanks mum, have fun! Also I'm going to stay the night at Ava's and Thomas's. Love you too xx
- Nat

I slipped my phone into my pocket and grabbed my bag and pillow and walked down to the kitchen I pulled out the cookie jar and took $30. I walked up stairs and gave the other $30 to josh. Then I walked down stairs and out the door to Thomas's house.

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