Chapter two :)

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Chapter two

I stepped inside my house and I was greeted by Thomas. The cutie who lives next door. "Hi" he said in his bold British accent. 'That accent' I thought to myself and bit my bottom lip, staring into space.

"Natalie" Josh waved his hand in my face. "Huh. Oh sorry and hey" I tried to sound cool. "This is Thomas, he is our next door neighbour. Thomas, Natalie. Natalie, Thomas" josh said with a smirk.

"Hello" Thomas held out his hand for me to shake it. "Hey" I said with a nervous tone, but tried to act cool. I lifted my hand that was full of bags and tried to shake his hand.

"Hehe don't worry about it, hey let me help you" Thomas pulled his hand away and reached to help me with my bags. "Thank you so much!" I said with a smile.

He took most of my bags and held them waiting for instructions as where to put them. "Um could you put them in my room? Follow me." I asked sweetly and he nodded in response and smiled. 'Wow! He has the cutest smile I wonder if he's a good kisser-' I got cut off by my thoughts because Josh screamed "Did you buy me anything?".

"Maybe" I poked my tongue at him and began to walk up the stairs, Thomas followed behind me. We walked up the stairs and down the hallway until we got to my room. I opened my door and walked into my beach themed room.

I sat all of my bags down on my bed and walked over to the curtains, then I pulled them back so the light shone through. Thomas put my bags on my bed.

"Hehe" he gave a small chuckle. "What?" I asked turnings around from the window. "Nothing" he turned back to me smiling. "Tell me!" I pouted and he chuckled.

He pointed to a magazine sitting on my bedside table. It had The Maze Runner in bold written on the top of it. Thomas walked over to my bed side table and picked up the magazine.

"What's so funny about that?" I looked at his with curiosity. "Oh it's just... Actually no it's not funny" he looked at me with a smile. "Um ok" I said and gave out a laugh.

"Thank you for your help Thomas" I walked over to him and patted him on the shoulder. 'What the hell Nat? Why did you just pat him on the shoulder?". He started to blush and it was very noticeable. "It's alright" he smiled.

I smiled back and he asked "so did you really buy something for Josh". i walked over to my bags and rummaged around in my bags, until I pulled out a neon pink bra. "Yep I got him this, it will go great with his eyes" I gave out a huge laugh and we both cracked up laughing. "Is it really for him?" He asked trying to contain his laughter. "Thomas you are very gullible! Of course not this is for me" I said and smirked. He bit his lip and nodded.

"Ok, well I'm going for a run, you can come if you would like?" I asked as I opened my wardrobe and pulled out a Nike sports bra, Adidas running shorts and my pair of blue and white Nike shoes.

"Sure i'd love to" he said with a huge smile on his face. "Ok cool, I'm just going to get dressed. I will be ready in about 5 minutes" I looked at my phone and he nodded a yes then walked out of my room.

He shut the door behind him and then I started getting change. I quickly tied up my shoelaces and threw on my sports bra and shorts then I grabbed my phone and headphones.

I ran down the stairs and saw that Thomas was playing call of duty with Josh. "You ready?" I asked feeling pumped and energetic.

Thomas snapped his head towards me and stared at me from top to bottom. "Argh yeah" he mumbled. "You kids have fun, don't go and play in the bushes" Josh smirked. "Haha so freaking funny! Get a life josh!" I said sarcastically.

Thomas stood up from the couch and we walked out of the door. I shut the door behind us and we made our way down the street.

"So why did you move here?" I asked as we jogged. "Well my parents liked it and so did my sister and I and we bought it, although I'm going to move out sometime next year".

"Oh ok, that sounds cool" we turned a few corners. We finally came to a small park and sat down at a bench. "Ok tell me about yourself, give me 10 facts about yourself" Thomas said with a grin.

"Ok well, my names Natalie or Nat for short, I love to read, I like all animals, I absolutely love chocolate covered strawberries! I love Lana Del Rey, I am 22 years old, I have a monster as an older brother, my favourite colour is blue, I hate sports but I do run and I am dating someone" I lied at the last part.

Thomas's smile instantly was gone at the last comment that I made. "Cool and uh who are you uh dating?" He tried to act all calm.

"I'm dating Zac Efforon!" I started laughing and he did to.

"Ok so now 10 facts about you" I smiled.

"Ok I'm Thomas and you can call me whatever you want, I am in a band well a family band, I like to draw, my favourite colour is blue, I love bagels (the food), I am from London, I have a younger sister, when I was younger I was obsessed with Star Wars and I am single" he gave a slight chuckle and I smiled.

We talked a lot about each other and our hobbies and interests and actually we have a lot in common.

"Ok so what do you do for a living, like what's your career?" I asked and looked at him.

He was flustered and turned bright red. "Um well... I guess I'm an actor and you know, but I'm not a really big time celebrity one. But I act a bit" he kept his head down and he seemed very nervous.

"Oh that's sounds fun" I gave a light giggle. "Yeah, hey what about you?" He lifted his head up so we were looking at each other in the eyes. "Well I work at a small café/library. It is quite fun and I enjoy it there!" I gave a huge smile.

"That sounds cool! One day I will come and visit you" he had a smirk planted on his face. "I would very much like that" I gave a smirk too.

We stood up and walked back to my house. It was about 5:10 when we walked through the door. I jumped on the couch and sat there, Thomas sat next to me. My phone went off and I checked it. I have 3 messages from mum:

Hey Nat tell Josh that Thomas's family is coming over for dinner and that he needs to clean up his room xx
- Mum

Also could you tell Thomas that he needs to come home and unpack a box.
- Mum

Ok thanks darl and could you please make a salad, I will be home in 5 minutes
- Mum

I texted her back:

Sure mum, see you soon xx
- Nat

I turned off my phone and looked at Thomas. "Hey my mum said that you need to unpack a box or something... I don't even know. But apparently your family is coming over for dinner as well" I gave a smile and confused look on my face.

"Oh yes and ok I didn't know that," he stood up from the couch and walked over to the door "I will see you soon then" he smiled at me then left.

I returned a smile and once he left I started punching the air with my fist and dancing around the house. I ran up stairs and to Josh's room.

I barged straight through without knocking to see him kissing his biceps and looking in the mirror. "Hey nat" he said as he turned around grinning.

"Hey, mum said that you need to clean up your room because Thomas and his family are coming for dinner" I said. "Awww ok" he said as he moped around picking up shirts that were lying on the ground. I chuckled and walked down the hallway into my room.

Next door neighbours - Thomas Sangster storyWhere stories live. Discover now