Chapter XXII

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We sat at the council table, listening to all the advice the members were speaking on. It was packed full, considering we were talking about the Southern Pack. The warriors were discussing how they would act if they did pull something and would our wolves be ready. West and Isla were talking on how it wasn't their fault that Lacey came here but she did deserve refuge considering she did come to us.

"We must move the ones who can't fight to the back! It's obvious that he will pull something. The Southern Pack was destroyed during the Dark War and they wouldn't come with us even after how Alpha Dyna almost raped Alpha Isla." Olivia yelled and Athena, our other warrior, kept yelling 'yes!'

West growled, remembering that memory and pulled Isla close to him. "I say we bring Lacey to our territory lines and have Dyna take her back peacefully. We've been through so much it's just stupid to have more on our poor pack already."

Isla shook her head and banged her fist on the table. "No, I already described to you of how he treated her. I say we have Lance bring his army and defend her. Bring a poor girl back when she's already come here for refuge, are you insane?!"

I groaned and put my head on the table. This was ridiculous, we would never get to a conclusion of what to do with her. The South hated us. The only way to wonder why she came here was to ask her.

The door slightly opened, making it creak. Everyone's heads whipped over to see who was intruding. Gasps flew around the table and some eyes widened. It was Lacey. She was now dressed in a sleeveless mid-thigh blue dress with black flats, definitely on loan by Bella.

She shrank back a bit by the crowd of werewolves. "M-Miss Scott said I was supposed to come to you Isla. The little agóri at the front door said you were here...I'm sorry to intrude.." She barely whispered. (BOY IS AGORI)

The Alpha smiled widely and shook her head, jumping out of her seat and led the short girl inside. Lacey did not look twenty years old. She seemed to be about fifteen or sixteen.

"Everyone, this is the mate of the Southern Pack we were just discussing, quietly," Isla said the last word through clenched teeth. She was definitely trying to get that word through everyone's head. They nodded profusely. "Lacey, there are my warriors, there is Jennalyn, my Beta, Mallory, who is the Delta. Then there is my mate, Alpha West, and his Beta, Quinn." I could sense some eye lingering between the two but it only lasted for about two seconds.

"Um...where is the bátler? Ryan, I think you said his name was?" The girl asked. She seemed to have a few Greek words mixed in there.

Isla's eyes flickered to me but she cleared her throat. "Unfortunately, he is not here right now. Anyway, our council was wondering...why did you come here?"

She took a deep breath and rubbed her right arm. " was getting too much for me. Ever since you came, he has not picked me. The pain was hurting so much being so close to my Alpha but so far. So, I escaped. Miss Scott somehow removed all the bruises...but I found my way here. I am so glad I found you. You were my destination." Tears started to form in her eyes as she hugged Isla.

"So her plan was for refuge," Athena muttered. "Alpha Isla, what is your plan?" She asked, leaving out about Dyna, not wanting to upset Lacey.

Alpha West looked at the worried crowd then stood up, pushing his leather seat back. "This calls for a break. Ten minutes everyone, then come back." He ordered, walking out of the door as everyone followed him.

Quinn cleared his throat and walked over to Lacey. "I just wanted to say how truly sorry I am for all the things you have gone through. It must have been tough." He said, letting his eyes explore her pretty face. I smirked.

"Oooh, do I sense some sort of ship building?" Clove asked.

"You know it. They would be perfect for each other. Quinn is a little bit gruff but he's very nice and Lacey is gentle, shy, but he would bring her out of that cocoon. He also has never looked at a she-wolf in that way."

Clove lay down in my mind. "Too bad. I wish she could break up with Dyna and go with Quinn."

I sighed, pouring a drink of water for myself and letting the cool liquid run down my throat blissfully. It really was too bad. If only.... I dropped the glass suddenly. Of course! Why didn't I think of it from the very beginning!

"Uh, Isla?" I called. She looked up at me from her position of watching the two talk shyly.

She walked over to me and groaned at the spilled water on the table. "Seriously, Mallory, can't you be clean for once? I already have two siblings that make a mess already and--"

"A second chance."

"You don't have a second chance when it's already spilled!" Isla said, wiping the water onto the paper towel.

I tapped her shoulder repeatedly, trying to get her to understand. "A second chance!" I whispered, loudly. "You've heard of cases where wolves have had second chance mates! I'm sure if I asked my Mother, she would tell me how to do it and if I do it now, this would completely stop Alpha Dyna from coming here all together! He wouldn't have any reason to!"

The Alpha was taken aback for a second then squealed, jumping up and down. "Oh my Goddess, why didn't we think of this before? Now! Go now!" She said, pushing me out.

Smiling from ear to ear, I ran to her room, sitting down on her bed and closed my eyes. Talk to me. We need you. This is highly important.



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