Chapter XVI

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We walked through the halls of the ruined mansion, walking back to the place where West and Ryan were. To be safe, Isla chained Ryan up and locked West in the same cage he put me in. She gave me the info that she got when the packs were still saving me.

My mouth dropped when I heard about the swarms. "So they just disappeared. Into thin air?" My mind couldn't even fathom that. "Olivia, you even said that the pack that was guarding me fell down to it as well?" The general nodded.

Terrible was definitely not a word I would use to describe how I was feeling. Horrible? Way more than that. Wolves defended the packs so that they would free me. It was amazing how loyal these people were.

"We have to find a way to get them back to us. Once we interrogate Ryan he'll give us information." I said.

"Why not West?" Isla asked.

"I don't think West had anything to do with the swarms...he just used black magic to show you it was for good. Isla, I am half goddess half black magic."

They all stopped in the halls and looked at me, wide-eyed. I sighed. "Mother sent me a memory of when I was a baby. She was telling me how she is using black magic for good. Because it can be. I am a living form of that. So is West. Who knows how many wolves are; they could just be hiding in secret. Ryan though, he's the one misusing it. Maybe, hear him out?"

Isla nodded, twisting her fingers together. "Yes. I need to. We've had a lack of communication and that spiraled out of control."

My arms wrapped around her. ¨You two are mates. You will figure it out.¨

Her body shivered and I looked at her, weirdly. She shrugged, ¨You have this coolness on your fingertips. It's interesting.¨

Realization dawned on me. ¨Right now it's afternoon. I'll have to direct the moon soon!¨ Lovely. Too bad I didn't get a training session before.

Isla laughed, shaking her head. ¨Good luck.¨ We arrived in the old room where they caught me and opened the door. Ryan was still out cold but West looked at us expectantly. His eyebrows went up a little when he saw my attire but his eyes didn't change at all.

¨West...I talked to Isla a bit. I think you should too as well. But you must swear on your position as Alpha to not use it for bad as your Delta. As for him,¨ I motioned to Ryan, ¨I, as Moon Goddess, will discuss his punishment later.¨

The Alpha's brown eyes gleamed slightly, but he nodded. ¨I swear as Alpha, I will not misuse it. Only for good...¨, His eyes wandered to his mate, ¨And only for my mate.¨

Isla's face heated up but she walked over to him, finally undoing the chains, and her arms wrapped around him. ¨I missed you. I missed you so much.¨ He growled, kissing her roughly.

I knew my face was in between sadness and disgust. Ryan was not in the picture anymore. It still hurt a lot. Having someone to love felt good. I sighed, twisting a long curl around my finger. It was alright though, I was still a queen. Literally.

We walked out to give them some alone time (hopefully they still had their clothes on). Yuck. I looked around the hallway as Quinn and Jen walked away. I spotted Dion at the far end and I raised my eyebrow. What was he doing, creepily standing there?

¨Hey.¨ I said, crossing my arms, not making a move towards him.

¨Hey.¨ He replied, slowly taking some steps to me.

My lips curved into a smile. ¨So, you saved the day. The not human, not werewolf, not vampire, guy.¨

Dion chuckled. ¨Nope, not any of those.¨

¨So? Are you finally going to tell me what you are? I'm curious.¨ I leaned against the cobblestone wall.

He made some more moves, now his eyes were flaming as if he were the...

My eyes grew wide. ¨Are you one of the ble flóges?¨ I whispered.

Dion was now extremely near me. His hand went right next to my head, trapping me in. ¨No. But you are very, very close.¨ His minty breath collided with mine and my eyes flickered down to his lips.

¨A-are you Hades? In some way?¨ I gulped. I wasn't exactly afraid since he didn't hurt me and I felt as though I could trust him. However, what would I know? I trusted Ryan too but look where it got me.

He sighed and pushed away, leaning on the wall next to me. ¨Yeah. I'm-I'm Hade's son.¨

Silence filled the chilly room. I couldn't speak. Thoughts ran through my mind. Okay, so he was my cousin but he was about to kiss me? Alright, this was wrong, extremely, extremely wrong. I cleared my throat and brushed myself off.

¨ this was obviously a mistake. I'm just gonna leave...¨ I got off and started to walk towards the stairs but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back, trapping me again.

¨No, you gotta listen, Mallory.¨ His turquoise eyes looked right into me. ¨I knew you would have this reaction, that's why I was scared to tell you. I am his adopted son, but we aren't related. Think about what I told you. Hades was human. He became a god while the others were already ones. Th-the prophecy..¨ He whispered.

¨Prophecy?¨ I whispered, still mentally freaking out about our close proximity.

Dion looked up at the ceiling. ¨Was there anything else that your mother told you when you got the memory, besides the part about Dark Magic. Did she say there was another way? Maybe to, change you back as a goddess? Because you aren't one right now.¨

I bit my lip, trying to remember. Then I gasped. ¨Yes! She quickly mentioned something about there might be another way but she said she wouldn't tell me.¨

¨Being with me. Mating with me. Two half gods mating to become one whole. I didn't like it at first when Hades told me about it. But, when I met you...¨ His eyes flickered back to me. ¨I now realized that I would do anything in the world to have you at my side.¨

Tears sprung into my eyes. ¨Really?¨ I whispered as he came closer.

Dion nodded. ¨I love you Mallory, the First and Foremost Moon Goddess of the Night. More than you know.¨ With that, his lips crashed onto mine.


This is a very short but super important chapter! What did you guys think?

What do you think of Dion?

Is he good enough for Mal?

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