Chapter X

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Isla laughed as Mila played with the dolls in the aisle, making different voices for them. It was adorable. Chase was on the other side, mimicking a shooting gun sound. She didn't really like the fact, considering he was young. Plus, their pack mainly used spears and swords, not guns. She liked this time though, with my siblings. Jenna and Isla had driven to the new store and the kids tagged along.

Her wolf was pacing around in her mind for the past hour and she sighed, finally deciding to ask Felicia what was up. The reason Isla didn't ask before was because she wanted a break from any crazy work that was building up from her Beta, mate, and Delta the 2nd gone. Honestly, Isla had never heard of a Delta, Beta, and Alpha sole-leading two packs. It was also getting harder now that it was spring and more pups were being born.

Thankfully they had got to the issue of having a normal classroom with no magic-proof walls because Isla decided they weren't going to have any. Black magic was the only magic in this world--except, of course, Mallory, but she was a goddess--and they were in no way using that.

Isla picked up a water bottle and handed it to her sister and brother. "Hey, I'll be right back. Stay here with Chase." She smiled and walked away. "Alright, what's up Felicia?"

"Something...something's not right."

"Which is?"

"Mallory. Usually, I can feel her wolf but for some reason, it's like she's weak and unresponsive." The color drained from her face. Shoot. She shouldn't have let her go all by herself with some male bastard.

Turning, Isla picked up Mila who seemed confused. She grabbed Chase's hand and walked around to find Jen. "What's wrong Isla?" The little girl asked.

She patted her head, not responding. Mallory was extremely strong with her being a half-goddess and half-werewolf. This was definitely weird. "Should I try mind-linking her?"

"I mean, you can. But there's no point if her wolf is not responding. She would basically just be a goddess and I don't know how you talk to a goddess from this far."

Her eyes flickered back and forth until she spotted the red jacket that Jen always wore. "Hey!" Isla called out and she gasped in shock and put a hand on her chest.

" scared me."

"I was wondering if we could go back now. Did you get some of the necessary items?" Isla looked behind her and saw where they were. The shelves were crammed with diapers, pacifiers, and some baby toys.

Jenna's cheeks reddened and looked down, walking towards the checkout line. Isla's eyebrow went up but followed her. She wanted to ask, but not in front of the kids. Maybe later, she thought. They paid for their things and left the store. As soon as they got to the cabin, she put Mila and Chase down for bed and ran to the conference room.

Quinn was there, the Darkmoon's Beta, assuming that Jenna had called him down. They both looked at her as Isla paced around the room, scared of what to say. She wasn't sure if they would be angry or if they would have any reaction, really. Isla took a deep breath and said, "Mallory and her wolf are no longer in contact with us."

Both of their jaws dropped and silence lurked the room for a good three minutes. Finally, Quinn cleared his throat and quietly said, "What are we going to do?"

Isla slouched in her chair and twirled lamely in her seat. "I don't know. My wolf is still trying to get in contact with her. Get yours as well. Everyone in the council needs to be on the alert. She's not only our Beta, but she's also our sister."

They nodded and Jen raised her hand slightly. "What about her mate and West? They've been gone for days."

Isla's heart wavered at the sound of her mate's name but she shook her head. "He...he's disappeared. I don't know where he is. Right now, if we focus on the past, our pack will crumble. I am the sole Alpha just as I was before. I need you two to be here for me. Please." Her eyes pleaded.

The two nodded and Quinn put his hand on her shoulder. "I committed my life to you during the ceremony. I will not break that promise. But, Alpha Isla, forgive me if I am being too personal, but as I see, you have completed the marking. You are not hurting as much, though. I assume you have not completed the whole mating process have you?"

Jen gasped and whispered harshly, "Beta!"

The girl's cheeks turned the normal red but she shook her head. "No, no we have not."

Shock spread across his face. "Your waiting time will have gone increasingly shorter than. If you have half mated then..."

"You'll go into heat. Alpha, there are so many males here that are unmated." Jennalyn said, her hands going up to her mouth. "What will you do?"

Isla knew that. What they did was completely stupid. They should have fulfilled what was meant to be by the Goddess, but they didn't. Standing up, Isla slammed her hands down at the table. "Wherever the heck she is, we will find our Beta, our Second Goddess of the Night! Both packs, male or female, we will go after her and not stop until she is back safe and sound. Do you hear me?" Her hazel eyes flashed in determination.

Jennalyn smirked and Quinn chuckled. "You know it, Alpha Isla." They chimed in unison.

"Let's find her." She whispered.


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