Chapter XIX

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(A/N: Omg thank you guys for a couple of views and two votes! I am so grateful and to even you closet-readers!)

"Well, the library is all yours," Isla said, waving to the tremendous amount of books that were stacked on the shelves. It was a ginormous room that was set away from the different houses and the cabin for protection purposes. Many dark magic books were there but were never used because we didn't want them implicated once our current Alpha took over.

I nodded, my eyes darting back and forth through the various shelves. Unfortunately, since we didn't open the athenaeum since the past Alpha, it was not organized and in complete disarray. I blew a breath out and tied my, now normal, curly locks into a ponytail. Time to get started.

I had asked Dion to help me since he was my mate and I had promised him to keep everything we found in discretion. Even though I trusted my council, sometimes people still found out things and my father would somehow get in even more danger than he was.

"So? Where do we want to start?" My mate asked, pulling a random book off the shelf and blowing the dust off of it.

"I'm assuming the back. The front ones could be more current and justice of putting gods on trial might be even more ancient than we realize." I said, starting to walk through the many aisles. "See, look! 'How to Avoid Perverts.' That's extremely old and a ritual that many young ladies had to learn. I sure needed to." I earned a glare from Dion and laughed out loud. Messing with him was the best.

Starting from the back shelf, we started to work our way through. There were piles upon piles of books that had no important information at all. It was cold inside the basement. Dion lent me his black leather jacket. I loved the smell of the cologne he used. It was nice to have the scent of my mate, though typically, he didn't naturally have one.

After two hours, I groaned and put my face on the cool pages of a paperback. It felt useless. Everything felt useless. When I felt I was finally able to get through to something, it actually wasn't what I was hoping for. This book was just about how gods and goddesses met and how to complete the ritual. It was interesting, though. Slyly, I shoved it in my backpack.

My mate came to me and sat down on a chair. He pulled a curl away from my face and smiled at me, his blue eyes lighting up. "Want a break?"

I nodded, taking out a big bag of Doritos and Gatorade. He smirked and shoved his chair closer to me, his mischievous smile growing even more. "Alright, what is it?"

"Nothing. But...I was hoping we could complete it now. Sooner, rather than later, right?" Dion winked, as his lips met mine. I smiled against the kiss but gently pushed him away.

"Not now, D. We need to change this quickly before..." A wave of pain suddenly flew over me making me grasp the edge of the table.

"Woah, are you okay Mal?" He put his arm over me, looking concerned.

While trying to say it was fine, another wave came and I felt like I was about to throw up. Frick, it felt like it was the same as before. "Clove, what's happening?"

She whined in pain, "I don't's as if your blood is going crazy...It hurts so much!"

Several footsteps could be heard on the concrete steps, showing Isla and Olivia's faces. They looked afraid. Olivia ran to a certain shelf while Alpha came towards me, caressing my burning cheeks, softly.

"It's alright, Mallory. Jennalyn is going through the same thing. I think you both are changing back to your original positions. You as Delta and her as Beta. Come, let's go to bed."

Dion picked me up in his arms and followed the Alpha. I could feel his eyes on me as they laid me down on Isla's bed. Isla put the covers on me and I groaned and clenched my legs together. Since when did it hurt this much? Before, it was so easy. I just had to give a drop of my blood, a little pinch when Jen switched, and that was it.

Outside the door, I heard Isla whispering to Dion. "I don't know...this doesn't make sense. Right now, Olivia is reading the book to see if there's any change from the beginning to the end of the month. Perhaps I was mistaken in my way to switch it as a punishment. After all, this is an ancient text."

He quietly asked, "Then why is my Mallory in so much pain? Do you think it's because she's..."

A stillness followed with a hushed, "Yes. Perhaps it's because she's a Goddess or a new one? I'm not sure. West is also going through it too. I know you don't like it but as your mate said, dark magic can be used for good."

"She already has dark inside of her! What if it counteracts? Alpha, I respect you, but there's only so much. We haven't mated yet, Mal's not a full goddess yet. There are so many problems."

"Dion." Somehow I knew she was putting her hands on his shoulders, "I hate dark magic with a burning passion because it was used on my mother. However, I will be paying close attention and making sure that it won't be used improperly. Do you trust me?"

I sighed and turned on my side. I knew this would be hard for him. After seeing what happened to me, this would be an internal war for him. However, if it was to help me?

"Fine." The door hastily opened and I closed my eyes, tightly. "Mallory. I know you're awake. You heard us, didn't you?" His deep voice said.

The tips of my lips curved up and I opened my eyes. "Yes...but I'm glad you trust her. She has been my Alpha after all." My breathing grew rapidly as the pain grew worse. Beads of sweat fell down my face. Curse the werewolf in me. When I would be a Goddess, that would be all over. I wouldn't have this anymore.

"And me. You won't have me..." Clove's quiet voice spoke.

Oh, no. I wouldn't have Clove. She had been with me all those years, trying to figure out who I was. Though there were some points I'd be mad at her, she was still one with me. Tears started to spring in my eyes, making Dion concerned.

I shook my head, putting my hands on my eyes. "Dion...I won't have Clove wolf..."

He sighed and got in bed with me, wrapping his arms around my small body. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry for doing this to you. I'm allowing you to choose, Mal. The first time you chose being with the Sunshine Pack as half goddess, half-wolf. You get a choice with me. Full goddess, but we can live here or half goddess, half-wolf...but I'm sorry, you won't get me. I'll be killed. It's the prophecy. But it won't hurt you at all." Dion whispered, running his fingers through my hair. I always loved it when people did that.

A choice. Why did choices always have to be so complicated? For once, I just wanted to be free and have everything right and perhaps, even do what I want. But in this world, I needed to pick between Clove and Dion. Great.

I loved both of them, so very, very much. I could never have one without the other. Sighing, I just snuggled closer to him, hoping to just forget about it, even if it was for a couple of hours. I was the Queen of the Moon; it was alright if I was the Queen of Procrastination too, right?


What do you do when you only have two choices?

Dion is so sweet, I love him so much!!

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