Chapter One

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Being one of the top Kooks definitely had its perks

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Being one of the top Kooks definitely had its perks. You were looked out for by everyone else, well at least by the Kooks. A Kook meant someone who was pretty well off and lived on the Figure 8 side of the island.

You did have to deal with one thing that got you in a lot of trouble with the Pogues by default. You are a Thornton, more specifically Topper's little sister. He was at the top of the tops of Kooks. He also did not have a very good reputation with the Pogues. Emphasis on not having a good reputation. The Pogues were the complete opposites of the Kooks. They were the working class and a majority of them worked for the rich. They lived on the opposite of the island, the Cut.

You were laid out on the beach with your best friend, Becca. Both of you were sitting on top of your surfboards discussing local gossip. You and your best friend were one of the few Kooks who actually knew how to surf instead of those who walked around with a board attempting to impress people.

"Y/N! Come inside! Mom wants us in for tonight!" Topper shouted.

Right. It seemed like every summer started off with a hurricane hitting the Outer Banks head on. Last year it was Agatha.

"Oh come on, Top. Since when did you listen to Mom," You teased making Becca laugh.

"I'm trying to save both our asses. Now come on," He had his typical blank expression across his face.

"Go with him before I do," Becca smirked.

"Gross. Remind me why you're my best friend again?" You jokingly pushed her off her board.

You grabbed your board and ran off towards your house with Topper.


The wind hit against your bedroom windows. All you could hear was the rain mixed with the thuds of falling tree limbs. Every now and then there was a rumble from the thunder. It was hard to stay asleep. The hurricane was hitting and it was not going easy on the Outer Banks.

Morning eventually came around. You awoke to your Mom frantically on the phone with someone trying to get ahold of a generator. She was practically yelling at whoever was on the other end. You looked out the window and saw she already had a crew cleaning up fallen debris off the yard.

One thing that never failed to put a smile on your face was Captain, the family's dog. Topper gave him that name since it was "superior sounding". You gave him the nickname Cap for short. Cap was laid at the bottom of your bed curled up, still shook up from the previous night's thunder.

"It's okay. Let's get you something to eat," You patted him on the head.

You quickly threw something on and got as presentable as possible without electricity. You headed downstairs with Cap following closely behind you. After you made sure his bowl was full you went outside to check out the damage for yourself.

"I want the generator by noon! We can NOT wait until tonight!" Your Mom yelled into the phone.

That was something you did not want to be apart of. You continued looking around. Luckily, most of the damage came from fallen tree limbs. There was only one tree that actually fell on your property. Based off how your Mom was acting, everything would be back to normal by the end of the week.

You saw Topper on the dock by his boat. It looked like it had not been effected by the hurricane.

"Hey Top! Can I borrow your boat?" You walked over confidently.

"Let me think about that... No," He crossed his arms.

"Come on! I want to see what the rest of the island looks like," You tried convincing him stepping closer to the boat.

He was reluctant on who drove his boat or who even touched his boat. One of the Pogues last year sunk it and it costed your Mom a lot of money to repair. Your Mom still brings it up to him as leverage.

"I'm coming with you," Topper climbed in.

You sighed climbing in the boat behind him. He mainly navigated the boat around the Figure 8 side of the island. It didn't look too bad from what you could tell. Some fallen trees and some boats were taking in water, but it definitely could have been worse.

"Are you happy now?" Topper asked lifting up his sunglasses.

"Why not see what the Cut looks like?" You shrugged.

He just laughed at that statement and put his sunglasses back over his eyes. And with that, Topper took the boat back to your dock. You were disappointed.

"You don't have to go everywhere with me you know," You said as you headed back inside.

Topper was pretty protective over you especially after last year with his ex. Long story short there are two teenagers "lost at sea" from Outer Banks. One of them being Topper's ex Sarah, a Kook. The other one John B, a Pogue. Sarah left Topper for John B and since then Topper has been real protective, almost possessive of what he has.

That was last year. This summer you swore was going to be the best summer of your life.

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