Chapter 37

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Matt's up already and downstairs making Breakfast as Gabby comes out of the room. Gabby looks at Matt and smiles a little before asking: "Hey. You Okay?" Matt looks at her: "Yeah I'm fine. How about you?" He smiles a little. Gabby answers: "I'm good" she looks concerned at Matt knowing she has to ask him something. Matt looks at her, not completely sure what happened. "What's wrong?" He asked. Gabby answers honestly: "you're acting weird lately" "what do you mean by that?" Casey asks. "You barely let me do something alone. All the time I turn around you're there one step farther of where I wanted to. It seems as if you're over protective but why?" Matt looks at her. He knows what she means. He lets out a small sigh. "Yeah you're right. The thing is even if you're fine now it's still a risk. Our baby's growing day by day. Day by day more pressure on your aneurysm. Day by day more chance of something going wrong" he looks down a little, knowhe shouldn't have handle like that. Then he feels her arms wrapping around him. He hugs her back and kisses her head softly. "I didn't mean how I handled. I just want both of my girls to be fine" Gabby smiles in his chest softly as she says: "I know" she understands why Matt did what he did. It's been a 32 weeks pregnancy already and it is pressure on her aneurysm which she gets. But she looks at it positive. As long as she doesn't feel pain or an uncomfortable feeling it'll be just fine.

Sorry for late update 🙈

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