1 - welcome back

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two years later....

as the sun sets a group of party goers lie down on the grass, feeling their high. the couple of the four clutch each others hands and turn their heads to smile. the other two stare into the sky just feeling themselves and the drugs they just took.

in the morning, the rising sun awoke all four- the two guys rolled over and groaned. the girls got up and went to make coffee. one girl in particular felt the need for the coffee after last night, her tan skin glistens in the sun and her hair settles on her shoulders in waves. 'we got big ass kook houses and we still spend our nights after parties in a garden' one of the guys said humorously as he walked up to the girls.

both girls rejoiced at the cups of coffee in their hands and sighed at him. 'lots of things about us changed, but i don't think that ever will' the tan girl replied.

the second guy walked up and grunted, 'aren't we too old for this?' he groans.

the other three laughed at him, 'pope, we're only 20- some people smoke until they're like 50' the second girl says, tying back her long blonde hair.

'shut up sar' he bantered back. pope and sarah hadn't been close when sarah first joined their group- but after all that's happened to them all, the four of them are inseparable.

when pope's phone buzzed he sighs, 'right my dad's expecting me i better go' he told them, heading off.

'shit actually i gotta go too' sarah adds in, kissing her boyfriend and waving goodbye to her friend.

the left over pair of the group shook their heads with smiles as she left. the guy spoke first. 'so, kiara' he said suggestingly.

'yes, john b?' she replied.

'we came back from Nassau two years ago today' he pointed out.

kiara's jaw clenched, 'yes? and?' she replied, tilting her head.

john b's eyes softened, 'how are you doing? it can't be easy remembering it all' he said, putting hushed on her arm.

kiara's whole body tensed up, 'yeah i don't exactly want to talk about Nassau JB' she replied weakly.

'what about-'

'no.' she snapped, 'john b i do not want to talk about him either', she walked off into her house.

elsewhere sarah is driving somewhere, and pope is arriving at his dad's work. with in share of the money pope decided to help out his dad in bussiness, so instead of a small shop which does mostly deliveries-heyward has a big shop which does deliveries for the favourite customers.

it isn't what pope wants to do forever, but for now he's helping his dad with the store- his dream job is still to be an coronary examiner and he hasn't given up on it just yet, he's still young.

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