17 - you need to get help

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general pov:

sarah hasn't called yet after her trip to see rafe and ward, jj's hungry and kiara has fallen asleep so he goes alone to get food.

//trigger warning: sexual/physical abuse, skip to next bold text to skip it. it is not important to the plot necessarily its just a little bit of insight on kiara and lucas' relationship. it does get a little heavy after that but i don't think its trigger warning worthy, but still read carefully loves ;/

//5 years ago...//

tears are pouring down kiara's face, did that really just happen?

lucas has left the room after a chain of slurs and an fucked up grin as he passed through the door frame. he left kiara scared, shaking and violated.

her whole body aches, her cheek throbs from a slap he threw at her after she's tried to push him off her. she'd tried, she really did. she's only 16, she didn't want to have sex, especially not with him, but he was too strong.

"having sex" isn't even the correct phrase, he raped her. he held her down and bruised her wrists trying to keep her down. but eventually she became numb, she stopped pushing and she stopped shouting and she let it happened because there was nothing she could do.

when he comes back in the room he's still grinning like a psychopath, he crawls back on top of her- 'what are you shaking about sweetie' he asks, his words like venom.

she whimpers from under him, he knows what he's done. he knows damn well why she's shaking. 'tidy yourself up' he suddenly snaps, 'i can't be seen with you looking like this.' . he climbs off her and starts walking out.

'shut up' she mumbles under her breath, tears dropping down onto her bare body.

he swiftly turns round, 'what did you just say?' he snaps.

'shut. up.' she trembles.

he launches forward, pushing her down again with his hand around her throat, 'you do not speak back to me. got it?' he growls harshly.

she gasps for air, 'i- i can't breathe' she manages to whisper, her voice coming out hoarse and rough.

lucas chuckles slightly and pressed his hand down on her neck further, as she tries to fight back violently he lets a grin slip onto his face. just as she thinks she's going to pass out he lets go, pecking her lips before getting up once more. 'get some makeup on, cover up those fucking bruises.' he curses.


kiara wakes in a cold sweat, he hands fly to her aching neck- aching as if she was back in lucas' room again. but she can see in the mirror across from the bed her neck is fine, her wrists are fine- her lip isn't busted. it was just a nightmare. but it felt so real, like she was reliving it all over again.

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