25 - the frustration bubble

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gif later- :0

general pov:

clanging fills the air, chatter and laughter filters in too as kiara tiptoes into the garage. her car was brought here yesterday when she was almost ran off the road by a certain psycho ex of hers. when she approaches what seems to be the "front desk" (or just where the cash register is anyways), a man pulls away from his conversation to help her.

'what do i do for you ma'am?' he drawls.

she paints on a smile, 'hi my car was brought in for some tires yesterday morning. i was told to collect today' she explains.

'oh yes' the man hums in understanding, 'is it kiara..' he squints at the paper where he has customer names + contacts written down, he grabs his glasses before carrying on. 'kiara carrera?'

she nods, 'that's me' she responds.

'i'll go see if ricky has it ready for ya' the man; who's name tag reads jake, says, heading off in another direction from where he came from.

while she's waiting she pulls her phone out and opens her messages app, staring at three names on her list of conversations. she sighs and puts her phone away just as a woman approaches her, 'sorry for listening in but did he say kiara carrera?' she says.

kiara raises her brow slightly, eyeing the woman up and down. she's supposedly a worker here because she's wearing the same overalls as all the people around them who're working on cars. but hers in tied down at the waist so her name tag isn't visible. 'yeah' kie replies to her, confused.

'i'm julia garcia' the woman smiles, holding her hand out to shake.

kiara keeps her eyebrow raised as she shakes her hand but it drops when she realises who she must be, 'oh the girl pope was texting??' she gasps.

julia laughs softly, 'yeah that's me... hopefully' she titters at her own joke.

kiara wants to make a joke about pope not having game but she realises how that's a kind of joke you only tell about a friend to wind them up- and she's not even sure pope, john b and sarah are her friends anymore.

julia seems to sense kiara's awkwardness at the mention of pope, which makes her wonder if pope told her about their arguement. but kie doesn't ask because julia speaks again, 'so what are you in for? car modifications?'

kie shakes her head, 'no i needed new tires.' she answers.

julia gasps slightly, 'are you the girl who got ran off the road yesterday?' she asks.

jeez, how did she find out about it?- does the recovery team really have the time to be gossiping about that shit? 'yeah...' kiara says, clearing her throat.

'gosh' julia sighs, 'did you do that because of it?' she asks, nodding to the splint on kie's wrist.

'no that was before'

'did you find out who did it?'

why's this girl got so many questions?

nonetheless of her frustration, kiara nods.

julia sighs, 'well i won't press anymore, i should get back to work. it was nice meeting you' she smiles and kiara before disappearing to do said work.

'okay come through' jake says, appearing behind her and leading her to her car.

when kiara gets home her phone rings. it's an unrecognised number, she almost doesn't answer but something tells her she doesn't want to miss the call.

'kie?' jj's voice splits through her phone speaker.

she gasps, 'jj?' she answers, putting him onto speaker.

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