22 - that's time.

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also when i went to update this this morning to add this gif i noticed we're at 12K! tysm

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also when i went to update this this morning to add this gif i noticed we're at 12K! tysm

general pov:

as the day grows old and night approaches the pogues still haven't been able to see jj yet. all they know is he's been arrested on the grounds of suspicion of murder.

they've been trying to make shoupe crack for hours because he's on jj's side, but they apparently have to put him though the system first, before visitors or something.

the four free pogues are sat on four chairs against the wall. kiara is next to pope, he's next to sarah and she's next to john b.

they're full of dread- everyone knew the cops were looking into jj but as a group they know he didn't do it, that that colton bastard did it.

kiara's thinking of jj sat in a holding cell all alone. its not a situation he's never been in or anything- but it is different now. they'll only hold him in outer banks for a while- then he'll be moved to god knows where until his indictment, and maybe until a trail- but he won't end up in that jail next to rafe and ward- she won't let that happen.

the four had all heard whispers in the time since luke maybank was murdered, "i guess the boy finally got sick of being pushed about", "he definitely did it, he's just like his dad"- (to name a few). people actually think he did it, people who don't know him- people who think they know him.

her head is full of thoughts- active and in a flurry- but kiara can't help her nodding head, 'you should sleep' pope says to her, nudging her side, 'you've gotta work tomorrow'

she smiles at him tiredly, nudging him back, 'hey, so do you' she retorts.

pope shakes his head, 'yeah but i work at a supermarket, you're assisting in court tomorrow' he argues.

'he's right. try get some sleep, we'll wake you up if someone tells us something' john b joins in, glancing at sarah- who'd just fallen asleep with her head on john b's shoulder.

kiara sighs and looks down into her lap, she really should sleep but she doesn't want to- she said it to jj the morning after he had his first nightmare about his dad's death, she will fight for him until the day she dies.

that morning she'd also said she couldn't be with him, but now her stomach contains a sinking feeling that if jj does go down for this... they'll never get to be fully back together.

'come on, you need the sleep kie' pope says, bursting her bubble as he wraps and arm round her shoulder and gently pushes her head down to rest on his.

she says nothing in response, but doesn't fight it. instead she closes her eyes- intending to try sleep but when she opens her eyes again and tear jumps out into freedom. pope notices the tears slipping out and pulls her closer into a hug. 'he'll be alright' he whispers, rocking her slightly.

'what if he won't be?' kiara cries, her breath catching in her throat. pope's arms tighten around her as he huffs.

'i don't know' he whispers.

they don't notice sarah is now awake and watching with john b until two more pairs of arms wrap around them. 'then we'll fight until he is okay' john b voices. 'we don't leave any man behind'

kiara sniffles in their arms, 'i love you guys' she tells them, her heart aching but their love makes her feel better.

sarah hangs her head on kiara's shoulder, 'not as much as we love you, i'm so proud of you' she smiles, kissing kiara on the head comfortingly- referring to kiara deciding to get a restraining order, as she'd told them earlier to fill silence.

'soppy bastard' kiara giggles and sarah smacks her arm.

none of them sleep now, they stay awake and caffeinated. about an hour later shoupe approaches them, 'i thought i told y'all to go home?' he frowns, watching the four of them.

'we need to see jj' pope insists.

'yeah and i need to lock up the main building' shoupe shoots back, but they just sit staring at him- not budging. so he sighs and glances at the clock, 'let me lock up here and i'll take you to see him, but i can only give you 10 minutes okay?' he bargains.

all four of them jump up, 'great!' sarah chirps, pulling the others out into the hall to wait.

'did he really think we'd go home' john b laughs to himself.

'clearly hasn't learnt anything about us in the past few years' pope chuckles along with him.

a couple minutes later shoupe comes out and tells them to follow him. when they arrive at the cells he unlock its, alerting jj that someone's there. he's sat on the bench with his head in his hands, but he looks up when he hears the key in the lock. his sad eyes jump open when he see's his favourite people. he jumps up onto his feet as they walk in.

as soon as they're in, jj shoots forward to hug kiara. 'hey' he says this into her hair but they know its directed to all of them.

'hi' she whispers into his chest.

'not to be a cockblock' pope starts, heading forward to wrap his arms around them, 'but hey bro'

jj laughs as john b and sarah join in, 'hi' he responds.

after they break away from the hug they start telling jj how they're gonna help him, cautious of shoupe stood just outside the cell. when he lets them know they have three minutes left they decide to leave jj and kie alone for a few minutes.

when they've left the room his eyes glaze over with fear, 'kie i don't want you helping them with this.' he says.

she sighs, wrapping her arms around his neck and gazing into his eyes, 'i can't promise anything' she grins slightly, 'plus you said that when you started investigating and i was fine'

he smiles and her and glances to shoupe before snaking his arms around her waist, he leans down a kisses her sweetly. afterwards he rests his forehead down on hers, 'tell me something good' he sighs frustratedly.

'i'm getting a restraining order on lucas..' she says.

his whole body lights up, 'that's amazing' he bubbles.

she giggles and watches him celebrate with a smile, 'sorry guys that's time...' shoupe calls out.

the both frown, sneaking one last kiss before she has to leave. 'love you' he whispers.

'love you too' she replies biting her lip as she savers their kisses, knowing she won't be getting many for a while.

A/N: last night i was reading the first book i ever wrote from however many years ago.... it was written in a notebook with my crappy ass handwriting ;/ but it was so like.... dry. the most fucking boring book ever. and like ig the premise of the book was good i just fucked it up.

so i was thinking about a double epilogue, so theres like two different endings. since i know what you guys would want but i also kinda have other ideas.... idk we'll see :)

oh and, i was thinking about my version of kiara. she's a lot softer than kiara in obx (at least season 1, maybe at the start of season 2 she'll be a bit more soft with the whole "dead" friends thing). but i think since the other big difference with my kiara is lucas (+ poor mental health and being fucking shot), this version is bound to be a little more.... sensitive? i guess. but i do think the kiara in obx is sensitive, but she has a bit of a front up and tries not to show it. but she's definitely sensitive. but my version is a bit like the baby of the group, especially in this book after they know everything that's happened with lucas and stuff. and this kiara has experienced traumas the real one hasn't? (as far as we know) so she's more broken.

ok hope i didn't go on too much there oop.

love y'all

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