27 - the cashier

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currently giggling at the fact i said everyone should use bags shut rather than periodt and everyone just went with it without context- and i still get it sometimes :) really love that for us


early in the morning someone knocks on the door, jj was already downstairs- after kie had fallen asleep last night he'd stayed awake- because he couldn't sleep, and he didn't want to sleep anyways.

when he pulls the door open he see's a deflated sarah standing there, 'jj?' she frowns.

he sighs slightly, 'kie paid my bail.' jj informs her, 'theres a new suspect.'

'there is? is it the guy you found?' she gasps a bit, he nods and she smiles before pulling into a hug which he gladly accepts.
'so where is she?' sarah starts again after they break away from eachother.

jj scratches the back of his head, knowing kiara doesn't really want to speak to sarah any time soon- but he thinks she should, 'she...' he starts, as he hesitates the smile sarah held bravely begins to fade, so he quickly replies- 'i'll go wake her up' he says.

jj hears sarah start to oppose and say she'll come back later but he just heads upstairs, when he enters her room a smile is painted onto his lips as he see's her curled up in the covers of the bed.

when he puts his hand on her shoulder and shakes her gently her lashes flutter and she's pulled out of her dreams. 'jj?' she called gruffly.

'sarah's here' jj said, cutting straight to the point.

kie was suddenly wide awake, 'why.' she quips.

jj sighs, he can practically see kiara's mind at war with itself- deep down she probably wants to see sarah, to run into her arms and let the girl apologise and they'd be okay again- but the reason she's mad floats around dangerously, there's a chance she'd blow up on the sheepish cameron girl.

'she didn't say...' he answers, 'but kie. i think you should give her a chance.'

kiara's lip is swiftly tucked in by her teeth as she bites it, the cogs turn, and turn, and turn. sarah, pope and john b HAVE done a lot for her- but again, the anger she holds is still there. she knows why they did it, and she knows it's not their faults that jj was framed for luke's death- but she WANTS to be mad at someone, she needs someone to blame- and it can't be jj, it can't be her dad, it definitely can't be her dad, and if its not the three pogues who sent that text's fault then it's hers. it can't be hers.

'no.' she concludes.

'come on kie. please, for me?' jj begs, willing her to agree with his soft blue eyes.

she sighs, memories of times sarah, pope and john b have held her and wiped her tears away strike at her brain like matches- but they won't light. the flames in her mind start to shrink and she knows it's time to push the what ifs and burning anger away from her consciousness before she loses the best friend she has.

so now kiara gets out of her bed, she doesn't say a word as jj watches her pull her hair into a ponytail and she slips a hoodie on over her pyjamas. 'okay. stay up here.' she says in a signature assertive tone.

a smile creeps on his face as he hears her footsteps drum on the stairs as she heads down, while he was locked up he dreamed of being out again- seeing kiara, cracking open a beers with the boys on the pogue- probably getting a tut from sarah when he opens it with his teeth. it hurts him too to know it was his own best friends that told him not to return to all this- to his dream life, and he had really wanted to- he was planning to return with his tail between his legs before it was too late but the text convinced him to stay right where he was. but despite this, he just wants his friends group to be all there when he gets away from the mess with his dad's death- if he does.

downstairs sarah is pacing when she hears kiara's footsteps coming down, she freezes- almost in terror of what kiara might have to say, in regret of coming she wants to bolt for the door. 'hey' she hears her say quietly from behind her.

sarah turns around and faces her, neither speaks- they don't know what to say or how to say it. maybe neither of them really show it but they share a platonic love for eachother, the whole group does. the pogues have an electric connection- its draining to not have the compete energy in their lives. so they rejoice, without saying anything they come together and wrap their arms round eachother. any tension in their bodies sinks out in a sigh they let out simultaneously.

after a few minutes they break apart and sarah smiles sheepishly, 'i'm really sorry kie' 

kie smile's back, sarah thinks she see's a glance of hurt hidden within but has no time to question it as jj comes down the stairs 'glad to see you two have kissed and made up' he grins, parking himself next to the two. 

the girls smile back to him, 'thought i told you to stay up there' kie raises her eyebrow.

'i'm hungry' he smiles, patting his stomach and walking towards the fridge.

they shake their heads at him, the three eat breakfast and sarah pipes up 'so. john b and pope said you two are welcome to come out to eat with us today, we're going somewhere fancy out of town'

jj grins, a chance to hang out with his friends and move his mind away from everything going on? sounds perfect.

sarah and kiara decided to go to get some beers for tonight at someone's house, so jj sets off without them in kiara's car and the two girls climb into sarah's car and start heading towards a store. inside, they grab the beer and head to the counter- sarah places it down and kiara gets distracted by a text on her phone. when she looks up again she almost drops her phone.

the cashier  behind the counter locks eyes with her, 'careful.' he says, pushing the cash register closed with a click.

kiara says nothing, she heads out the shop before sarah has chance to grab the beers and catch up- she's in by car in no time and sarah comes running out behind her. 'kie? kie! what's up?' she shouts at her. kiara stops, she clears her throat and turns round.

'what?' she asks, painting on a smile.

'why did you leave so quickly when you saw the cashier?' sarah frowns.

'what? oh no i'm just excited to hang out today' kiara lies

sarah gives her a weird look but follows her into the car, starting to tell kiara something but she's not listening- all she can think is why and most importantly how the fuck was lucas there behind that counter.

the words from lucas' note shine bright in her memory, 

"don't try this again, or i'll hurt more than your car"

but she hasn't done anything? the "this" he was referring to was trying to get a restraining order against him- and she hasn't even bothered to try get a replacement for the papers he ripped up. so what was the point in showing up in such a weird place?

whatever it is, kiara's sure she doesn't  want to find out.

A/N: been a while....

life update lol:

-i'm 17 now which? feels so odd. i remember celebrating my 16th with you guys! time flies...

-omg its summer holidays. got two months off.

-season 2!! yesss. maybe some inspiration to find there. also the obx twitter quote tweeted me? scary

-not important but i became a mac miller fan!!! he's literally the love of my life ok bye. big ariana fan but i've made that known.

its been so so so long since i last updated... kinda sad but i think i'm in a place where i can finally bring this series to a finish? hopefully? but thats not gonna happen just yet, got some stuff to run out first- don't wanna leave a bunch of plot open.

anyways, love you lot- hope this was somewhat worth the wait.

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