20 - haunted

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general pov:

kiara's mind is haunted with a new dream, this time just before the start of the last one- while he was raping her. she's laid in her bed, sweat pooling around her shaking body. her eyes are knit shut and the covers are over her head, shutting the outside out as she struggles to grip reality.

'kie?' sarah's voice spilts into her atmosphere and calms her slightly. she feels a dip in the mattress next to her, and sarah calls out again softly. 'are you okay?'

kie opens her eyes, a few stray, stubborn tears escape and make a run for it down her face but she swipes them away before peaking her head over her covers. 'mmm?' she hums.

'what's up' sarah's face sinks at the sight of her best friend so wrecked.

'just a dream....'- she needs to stop calling them that, there's nothing dreamy about them. 'a nightmare...' she corrects herself.

sarah sighs softly, 'in that case, i'm sorry to tell you this now but the boys have been arrested...'

kiara's sad, tired eyes shoot open from their drooped, almost closed position. 'arrested?' she gasps, 'even pope?'

'and your boss...' sarah tells her.

kiara frowns, 'dalton? what happened?' she asks.

'ok don't be mad...' sarah starts, kiara groans.

'jesus christ what is it?'

'they might've been caught beating up lucas'

kiara sighs heavily. 'great.' she groans, 'suppose we have to bail them out right?'

sarah sighs and nods, kiara crawls out of her bed and rubs her eyes as she gazes into the mirror. she looks utterly exhausted, her eye bags are dark and moody, her right wrist is in a splint, her left one holds a couple scars from when she cut it open, not to mention the sweat.

sarah see's kiara staring at herself and walks beside her, 'do you need to talk about this nightmare...?' she asks cautiously.

kiara grips onto her lip with her front teeth. she gazes at sarah for a second then shakes her head. sarah wraps her arms around her breifly, 'let me know if you change your mind' she whispers.

kiara gulps gruffly, she doesn't say anything but sarah knows she's understood. when she pulls away she sends kie a smile. 'go on, go shower and change. those idiots can wait. unless you want me to just go by myself?' she concerns.

kiara hesitates for a second, 'no. no i wanna see their shame' she jokes, and she smiled with the joke but it dispelled quickly.

sarah nods softly and leaves the room, kiara stares into the mirror a little longer, her features sinking into her pupils. her heart is also sinking, and it's dragging her confidence down with it. 'fucking basket case' she mumbles to her refection, ripping off the splint from her arm.

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