3 - something's brewin'

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this gif ain't a obx one but oh well, also idk if it'll work bc its being an arse. basically its a guy screaming in the rain.

 basically its a guy screaming in the rain

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proof read.

luke maybank has his feet up, his son has just woken up. he watches him pace around, trying to find some coffee in the cupboards. 'it's in the draw' he said.

'what?' jj says, turning to look at his dad.

'the coffee is in the draw' luke told him, pointing.

jj frowned at the choice of coffee placement.

'so what are you doing today?' luke asks, jj looks at him for a second before turning round and getting the coffee. 'not up for conversation? damn ok.' he grumbles.

jj slams down the cup in his hand. 'the other day i bailed you out of jail. and you'd gone to jail after you'd just got out for beating me to near death, so no, dad i'm not up for conversation' jj said, walking out of the house.

he decided to go get coffee somewhere else, so he heads to a diner he passed on his way in, outer banks hasn't changed a lot since he left - but this diner did not exist, the new supermarket did not exist and kiara carrera dressed up like she was last night did not exist.

after jj's tears had stopped he'd wondered why she was dressed up, does she do that all the time now? or was that a one off?

never once in his time knowing her did jj see kiara straighten her hair, and she was dressed up all nice - and she was even wearing makeup- that is not the kiara he knew.

at kie's house, she is behind a room divider getting changed- on the other side is sarah. 'how does it look?' sarah asks.

'sar i've literally just got behind here, i'm hardly even undressed forget dressed' kiara complains to her.

she's lying, she's had enough time to get into the outfit sarah chose for her- but she's been a little distracted since jj came to visit her last night. part of her wonders if her friends knew he's back, they'd been acting kind of weird for a few days- scratch that, they've been weird for two years.

as she pulls her shirt over her head her eyes grip to her bullet wound. her fingers trace round the edges of the small wound and she squeezes her eyes shut, 'kiara?' sarah calls.

'yeah gimme a sec' kiara says, wiping a tear that's fallen, grabbing the shirt sarah chose and putting it on and buttoning it up.

she gets the pants and ties the string on them up, the outfit reminds her of her outfit last night- which brings her back in a circle to jj. she pops her head over the divider to look at sarah, 'did you know?' she asked

sarahs eyebrows furrowed in confusion but she has a feeling she knows what kie is talking about, 'know what?' she questions.

'that jj's back' kiara said, biting her lip and tuning back round to her mirror.

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