CH. 1

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A/N: Finally!!! I was so excited to share this with you guys!  I've been working a lot on this story so I hope you all like it! And if possible leave your opinion since your feedback is very important  to me♡ Good reading (:



“Shit. Shit. Shit. Stupid alarm. Stupid snooze button” I complained to myself while running through the streets of Seoul, trying to balance the two cups of coffee in my hands.

“She’s gonna eat me alive,” I thought, entering the big JIHO Enterprise building, rushing to the elevator.

When the doors opened, I quickly pressed the button with the number 18, and checked my clock for the thousandth time that morning. 15 minutes late. Awesome.

I got to the floor and ran into my boss’s office.

“I don’t care, I’m not going,” she was sitting behind her desk, talking on the phone. She raised one of her eyebrows at me, and I placed the coffee in front of her. “Why do you even wanna do this?” she grabbed the cup and took a sip.

I thought that it was a good moment to go to my desk, but when I turned my back she yelled.

“Y/N!” I looked at her and she pointed to the chair in front of her, telling me to sit down. Shit.

“Okay, fine! How long is that gonna take?” I was nervously shaking my leg, wishing that she would end her call soon, and shout at me like usual.

“And when are we going?” … “Okay. I gotta go now” … “Okay, bye.” She put the phone down and looked at me with a frown. Nothing new here.

“I fired Hayan today.” she casually spoke and rested her back on the chair. I widened my eyes with the sudden news.

“Can I ask you why?” I asked pretending it wasn’t a big deal the fact that she fired her 7 years personal assistant.

“She was annoying me,” she drank her coffee “And our relationship was not working anymore. She started to prepare my week without even consulting me. In her head we were besties… or something like that. I was done. So I fired her.” another sip of coffee “So, do you want the job?” she looked at me.

I was taken by surprise with that question.

I was just her secretary. For the last 2 years that I’ve been working here I always thought that Hayan was the best personal assistant on earth, how could she fire her like that? I wouldn’t be able to replace her… right?

“But the thing right now is: my husband wants to go on our honeymoon next week,” she rolled her eyes, “I don’t understand why that’s so important to him but whatever. So while I’m gone, you would be helping my brother to take care of everything around here. I don’t know how long I’m going to stay out, but probably for 1 month, maybe more, let’s see. So, are you in?” she tapped the table and stared at me.

“When do I start?” I spoked and gave her a small smile. ‘When do I start? Why am I agreeing with this?’

Jieun opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, a strong and very familiar voice spoked behind me.

“Hey sis, you wanted me to come?”

“Hoseok!” just the mention of his name could make my heart beat faster. “Right on time! Come meet your new assistant!”
Fuck fuck fuck.

My New (ex) Boss [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now