CH. 19

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“That’s weird” Jin questioned “He’s never late. At the beginning I even thought he didn’t have a house and was sleeping around here. Have you tried calling?”

“Only a thousand times” I sighed frustrated. Hoseok was extremely late and wasn’t answering his phone. I had to cancel two appointments and was ready to cancel the next one.

“Do you think something happened?”

“I don’t know, Jin” I rubbed my forehead.

And then, 1 minute later, Hoseok showed up with a scowl, looking angry with the world. He stopped in front of my desk looking hot as hell.

“Sorry that I’m late. Can I talk to you for a second?” I nodded and followed him to his office carring his schedule.

“Is ever-” as soon as I closed the door he pressed me against it kissing me harshly.

Forget our super make out session on his couch yesterday! This is in a whole new level that says ‘I want you right here, right now’. Every touch sends a shiver down my spine and I’m not so sure but I think all my stuff are on the floor. Thank God his curtains are closed. He broke the kiss and pressed his forehead against mine, both of us out of breath.

“Sorry” he whispered and took a few steps back “I spent the whole morning talking with Nari”

“Uh-hum” that’s all I’m able to answer. He really has an intoxicanting kiss. He bent down and collected my things, then handing me over “Is everything ok?”

“Not really, but I don’t want to talk about that” he raked a hand through his hair and looked at me.

“What did I miss?”

“Right! Here,” I handed him his agenda “I called and rescheduled the-” suddenly my phone begin to ring, it was Jungkook. We always text, we never call each other unless something’s going on “I have to take this!”

“Go ahead” Hoseok pronounced still looking at the papers.


“Hey sis!”

“What’s wrong?”

“Well, I need you to pick me up at the hospital” he laughed embarrassed.

“What?? What happened?”

“I sprained my ankle”

“You- oh shit! Ok, I’m going”

“I love yoooou! I’ll text you the location”

I turned off my phone and directed myself to Hoseok who was now looking at me.

“I need to see my brother in the hospital. He messed up his ankle”

“You want me to go with you?” he offered.

“Oh no! Don’t worry about that! Besides, you have a busy day”

“I do” he murmured with a cute frown.

I giggled and left the office, explaining to Jin that he was in charge of things and heading to my car.


“Hi, can you tell me in what room Jeon Jungkook is, please?” I asked the receptionist who nodded and searched the computer.

“Room 1024” she smiled.

“Thank you” I walked towards the elevator going to his floor.

1022, 1023, 1024. Here. When I’m about to enter I noticed a familiar figure sitting on the bench next to the door.

“Taehyung?” he lift his head and holy fuck! That’s why I thought his name was familiar when Jungkook talked about him! I forgot how handsome he is! Go Jungkookie!

“Oh, hi. You work for Hoseok, right? I’m sorry but I forgot your name” he inquired.

“I do, I’m Y/N! What are you doing here?”

“My friend sprained his ankle, so I’m waiting. What about you?”

“My brother sprained his ankle” I lift an eyebrow at him.

“Oooh!!” he exclaimed and I laughed.

“I’ll get in” he nodded and I opened the door to Jungkook’s room. The bed next to him was empty which means we were alone.

“What the hell happened, Kook?” I questioned. He was sitting on the bed with some pillows under his foot that didn’t look good. He looked away, his cheeks turning slightly red.

“I fell” he said and sat in front of him.

“I want the whole story” I smiled sarcastically.

“Ugh” he groaned, and turned his gaze at me “We were taking a break during the photoshoot and Taehyung came to talk to me. He was getting closer and closer then he said ‘I really like you, Jungkook’ and he leaned in to kiss me! But I freaked out and took a step back but I stumbled on an equipment and fell the wrong way” he complained and sighed “I’m such an idiot”

“No, you’re not! Those things happen”

“Still… I completely lost my chance”

“If that was true he wouldn’t be waiting for you outside” I stroked his hair and smiled.

“H-He’s outside?” he looked at me with wide eyes and I giggled.

“He is. Should I let him in?”

My New (ex) Boss [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now