CH. 26

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Hobi and I spent the whole day at the lake. We swam, kissed, ate, kissed, laughed and had a make out session that almost made us both drown.

When we went back to the luxurious house we were tired, hungry, and had an awesome tan that could make people jealous. Not to mention that Hoseok with messy hair and beach clothes looks especially hot.

I threw myself on the couch, not slightly worried that my damp hair could cause damage to the sophisticated fabric. I knew it wouldn't.

"By any chance can we get food delivered here?" I asked with eyes closed and Hoseok just laughed.

"I'll cook us something," he walked to the kitchen and I used all the strength in my body to get up and help. He was just as tired as me, it wasn't fair.

"Is it bad if we eat spaghetti at 5pm?" he questioned, and I chuckled.

"There's no right hour to eat spaghetti."

He grabbed a pan, filled it with water and placed it on the oven. He picked up tomatoes and an onion for the sauce. I didn't complain. I was in charge of the tomatoes while he was going to cry over the onions.

Hoseok's POV

This is it. This is the moment. I have to tell her about Nari before something else happens. Y/n didn't run when she blurted out that we were engaged so I don't think something bad will happen if I explain the whole situation. I hope she doesn't hate me or something.

"So," I started, focusing on the onion that was already making my eyes tear up "Do you remember Nari? The girl that showed up at my apartment?"

"Who said that you two are engaged and couldn't keep her hands off you?"


"I do," I could feel her rolling her eyes in annoyance, "What about her?"

"Well, *sniff* you see, *sniff*, I kinda am and I'm kinda not engaged with her *sniff*" Y/n stopped what she was doing to look at me. I kept cutting the onion, pretending that my heart wasn't beating like crazy.

"What do you mean?"

"Our dads have known each other since, well, since forever *sniff*. Her dad owns one of the largest multinationals in Korea and thought *I wipe the tears with my shirt* that it would be perfect if we get married. So when we turned 18 my dad bought a ring that I wasn't aware of *sniff*, and offered to her family as a symbol of our union. I really tried to like her but her personality made that impossible. That's why I went to Europe a few years later, because her and her family are exhaustive *sniff*. I ended our relationship, whatever it was, and boarded a plane to... to meet you," I wiped my tears again and finally looked at her.

I probably look like a mess. My awful hair is pointing in all directions, I'm with a stupid tan and now I'm crying over an onion while telling her the stupid story of my life.

Y/n took a step forward, pecked my lips and went back to the tomatoes.


"Okay? *sniff* That's all you have to say?"

"Well, you clearly don't like her and the fact that you're telling me this means a lot. Aaand it's also a sign that you'll come up with a plan to kick her out of your life. I'll be happy to help you with that," I sniffed again, still looking at the incredible woman in front of me "I guess we both have crazy ex's in our lives," she chuckled and my heart melted.

I walked at her, took the knife off of her hands so she would look at me, blinked a few times as the tears insisted on continuing to fall and tilted my head to the side, an old habit.



"Will you be my girlfriend?" *sniff*


I wanted to scream and do all kinds of weird noises at how unbelievably cute Hoseok can be. I smiled, containing my will to carry him in my pocket and nodded my head.

"I would love to be your girlfriend," he hugged me and I found out that my favorite place in the world is inside his arms. Gosh, this is so cliché.

"Good," he kissed my head. "I like making things clear."

"I like that too," I giggled. I could feel his heart beating fast against my chest.

"Hey," he pulled away enough to look at me, holding my face with his hands, a gesture that I realized he likes to do. My arms were still around his waist, keeping us close and his head was tilted again, indicating that he's about to say another important thing "I love you, Y/n"

I wanna cry.

How can that man flood my chest with emotions so easily?

"I love you too, Hobi," he smiled, leaned in and connected our lips.

My mouth parted and our breaths mingled. I felt like fireworks were exploding inside of me. It was sweet, sexy and romantic at the same time.

His hands went from my cheeks, to my back and waist, leaving a trail of fire wherever they passed. A moan escaped my lips and next thing I know, Hoseok lifted me up and sat me on the counter positioning himself between my legs.

In a blink of an eye my sarong was on the floor and Hoseok was making a trail of kisses starting from my neck and going down.

"I think *and down* that we *and down* should skip *and down* dinner *and down* and go straight *and down* to dessert *and down*

"Yes," I panted and threw my head back, "I think we should."

I love this chapter.
That's all I have to say.
Actually, I love all the others that are about to come! And I guess this fic will end on chapter 29 AND I'M NOT READY TO SAY GOODBYE

ps: I want a Hoseok in my life

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