CH. 6

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A loud bang on the door woke me up. I tried to move but Jungkook’s legs were over me. The person knocked on the door again, louder, and my sleepy brother groaned. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 3AM.

“What the hell?” I mumbled, pushing Kook’s leg to the side and getting up. Not the first time we fell asleep on the couch while watching a movie.

I tried to see who it was through the peephole but it was all black.

“Who is it?” Jungkook asked showing up behind me, rubbing his eyes.

“I don’t know. I can’t see.”

“Okay, step back. I can deal with that” he said and straightened his posture, which was stupid considering that anyone could see that he was sleeping minutes ago “Who is it?” he asked through the door, making me roll my eyes.

“I don’t need to take a step back for that!” I complained and pushed him to the side, opening the door.

“Yoongi? Omg!!” I jumped into my friend’s arms, giving him a huge hug while he giggled.

“Surprise!” he said.

“I thought you would be coming only next week!” Jungkook said, also hugging Yoon.

“Change of plans. I hope that’s not a problem!” he smiled shyly.

“Of course not, come in!” I said, dragging him inside with his bags.

“But we didn’t set up a place for you to sleep though” Jungkook pronounced, rubbing his hair.

“That’s ok. I don’t mind sharing a bed with Y/N” Yoongi spoked and winked at me, making me chuckle.

“Ha. Of couse not! I sleep with her and you take my bed”

“But I’m not sleepy yet”

“Dude, it’s 3AM!” my brother exclaimed.

“So?” Yoon shrugged.

“I don’t care,” Kook argued, "I am. And producers also need to sleep. Now, go to my room to sleep. We can talk in the morning.”

“But I don’t wan-”


"Ok, dad"

"It's nice to have you home" we smiled at each other, marching to the room.


“Gooood Morning.” I happily sang to Jin, going to my desk.

“Morning,” he replied moodily.

“Someone’s in a bad mood.”

“It’s Monday, Y/N,” he looked at me in disbelief, “Of course I’m in a bad mood.”

“There’s something you’re not telling me,” I turned on my computer and looked at him. He crossed his arm and pouted.

“I don’t wanna talk about it.”

“How was your date?” I asked and he rolled his eyes.

“Can you stop with the questioning?” he mumbled.

“Jin, what happened?” he looked away, “Jin! C’mon, tell me!”

“I got stood up okay?” he looked at me with raised eyebrows “That’s it.”

“What? Who would do that to you?”

“I know right??” he explained in disbelief, and dragged his chair closer to me “I’m handsome, right?” I nodded, “Why cancel a date with me? ME! Look at my pretty face!” I did my best not to laugh.

“What was the excuse?”

“The message said ‘I’m really sorry, I have a family emergency! Can we reschedule?’” now I was the one looking at him in disbelief.

“And why the hell didn’t you reschedule?”

“Should I? I thought it was a lie!”

“You thought it was a-” I hit his the back of his head, “Are you an idiot?? If it was a lie the word ‘reschedule’ wouldn’t be in the message!” he just looked at me.


“Yeah. ‘Oh’” I rolled my eyes at him.

“What do I do now?”

“I think you shoul-”

“Y/N?” Hoseok called me from his office, “Can you come here for a moment?”

“Sure!” I smiled and got up.

“Oh shit. Do you think he’s gonna fire you for gossiping at work?” Jin whispered.

“I wasn’t gossiping!” I whispered back.

“You show up here and the first thing you wanna talk about is romantic relationships. I feel sorry for you,” Jin gave me a disappointed look.

“Shut up!”

I took a deep breath and walked into Hoseok’s office. We haven’t talked since that time on the elevator and I really hope he doesn’t want to continue that conversation.

I stopped in front of his desk and waited while he typed something on the computer. He looked up for a moment but dragged his attention back to the screen.

“You can sit. I’m just finishing something,” I do what he says and sit in front of him. It should be illegal for someone to look that good 24/7.

“So,” he looked at me “I want you to accompany me on a business trip,” he smiled.

“What?” I widened my eyes. Jieun never took anyone on her business trips!

“We’re going tomorrow. It’s only for 3 days, don’t worry. And the company will cover all of our expenses, so you have nothing to worry about.”

“Hum… okay...”

“Great!” he exclaimed and showed me a huge smile “You can go home early so you can pack.”

“Okay then,” I showed him a forced smile. I was about to leave but turned back again “By the way, where are we going?”


I know this chapter isn't incredible but just wait for it hahaha

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