CH. 25

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Y/n’s POV

Eggs and bacon. All I needed right now since last night used all the energy in my body. Twice. And again this morning. So yeah, I really needed food. Hoseok knows how to keep a girl busy. Not that I’m complaining. 

“I want to show you something,” he said, stuffing food in his mouth.

“What is it?”

“A video. It can wait until we finish eating.” 

“Okay. So, what are we doing today?” 

“If you ask me to choose, I say let’s go back to bed and stay there,” he joked and we both chuckled. 

“We should swim! Let’s enjoy that beautiful lake!” 

“We can swim,” a warm smile played on his lips and I just wanted to hug him. 

After we finished eating breakfast, we washed the things we used and Hobi guided me to the living room, telling me to sit on the couch.

“Okay, so…” he ran his hand through his hair in slight shyness about what he was about to show me. He cleared his throat and focused his eyes on me. “I did this when I was in United States. As you know, my dad sent me there to study and be prepared to take care of our family business. And I did study for that, but only for a year. I found a very well renowned dance school and decided to do the exam to see if I could get in. I didn’t think I would be accepted, but I was. So I dropped everything I was doing and started to dedicate myself to dance and music which is what I love. And it finally hit me, I finally realized that this is what I want to work with,” he had so much passion in his eyes while speaking “Anyways, I hope you like this.” 

He sat next to me, pressed play and the words Boy Meets Evil appeared on a white background. A few seconds later the beat started and I could see what looked like a brick corridor. And Hoseok. He was kneeling on the floor, wearing a white blouse and orange hair. Holy shit. 

As soon as the light was turned on and he started to dance, I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. Every move, the beat, the lyrics, everything was mesmerizing. The song and the choreography were made for him. It was perfect. He was perfect.

His technique was incredible, smooth and fluid. He has full control of his body, knows how to execute each movement perfectly. It’s his passion, anyone can see that.

“Holy fuck,” was all I could say while watching Hoseok shine on the screen. How could someone as talented as him be forced to stay behind a desk, taking care of a stupid company?? How could his father not support him??

The video came to an end and I could watch over and over again. 

“So? What do you think?” he asked me anxiously.

And I lack words to say how much I loved it.

So I looked into his beautiful eyes, full of expectation, and kissed him. 

A passionate kiss. Not rushed. A silent promise that I would always support him. That he deserves to shine. That he did an amazing job. 

And one thing for sure is that I could never get tired of kissing Hoseok. Our lips fit perfectly, like puzzles and there’s no better feeling than his body against mine.  

I pushed him away and whispered, looking deep inside his eyes:

“I’m so proud of you.” 

“Really?” I saw tears forming in his eyes and I just wanted to take away from him all his doubts about him being anything less than extraordinary. 

“Really,” I caressed his cheek and smiled softly “Very proud.” 


“You go change while I prepare a few things for us to take to the lake.”

“Okay,” I agreed and started to go up stairs, getting into our room.

I placed my bag on the bed and looked for my bikini that was hidden somewhere in the mess. Just then I heard the phone beep, indicating a new message. I totally forgot about the outside world ever since we got here. I grabbed my phone and got instantly pissed.

“I’ll get sad if you don’t message me back, princess! Do you need me to pay you a visit again?”


I opened the chat and saw that there was a previous reply from a few hours ago. 


I sighed loudly, not ready to have this conversation with him.


“Okay, I grabbed water, towels, sunscreen, grapes and chips for a balanced diet!” he winked at me “Do you think we need something else?” Hobi was in the kitchen with a big basket containing everything we needed to take to the lake. 

I leaned over the table and showed him my phone, the screen open in the chat.

“So, you’re my boyfriend now?” I tilted my head and smiled in a playful way. I saw the red slowly climbing across his cheeks. Adorable. 

“I-I mean, I just wanted to answer the person. Y-you know, we’re kinda having something going on here, so maybe, because, well… You see... H-How do I say this. Umm, I wouldn’t establish a relationship without talking to you first, I mean, I don’t know, we s-should talk about it right? Oh my gosh is getting hot in here or is just me?” he fanned himself with his shirt and I chuckled at his cuteness.

He took another look at my phone, seeing that there was a new message “What’s that?” my phone was now in his hands with him scrutinizing the text. 

“I just received it.” 

“That’s the second weird message that you’ve gotten today,” he raised both of his eyebrows at me and I looked at my hands “Y/n,” he lifted my chin “You know you can tell me anything, right?” 

I saw concern, trust and love in his eyes. And with that look I wanted to tell him all my deepest secrets.

“His name is Jaewoo. We went out on a few dates a couple of times last year, but it didn’t work. We didn’t match y’know? But he didn’t accept that very well, at all actually. He would show up at my house, and would wait for me after work. I told him a million times to leave me alone but he wouldn’t. It was a living hell. One day, my brother wasn’t at home and when I arrived he was sitting on our couch, waiting for me. He said 'I hope you don’t mind but I took the liberty of entering by myself.’”

“What the fuck? What did you do?” Hoseok asked, angrily.

“I told him I needed to use the bathroom, called the police and texted my brother. I played along, like if it was okay for him to be there, terrified of what he could do. He didn’t look happy when the officers had to use force to get him out of there. So I got a restraining order and Kook and I moved. That was 3 months ago.”

Hoseok stared at me for what seemed a whole minute. It’s a messed up story, I know, but I really try not to think about it especially because Jae has been quiet for quite some time now. 

Hobi went around the kitchen counter, stopped in front of me and held my face with both hands, looking at me like he could see my soul. 

“If he texts you again or if you see just a glimpse of his stupid face, you’re gonna call me right away, okay?”

“You really don’t hav-”

“Promise me that,” the look on his face was… determined. And a little scary.

“I promise,” I pecked his lips and hugged him trying to transmit peace, “Hey,” I looked at him “We have a lake to enjoy. Let’s go.”

I LOVE Boy Meets Evil ok? I had to use it here u.u
And Jae's here to add a little drama to the story 👀

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