CH. 20

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Today was such a shitty day! I could use a drink right now. Or a kiss. When Y/N walked in my office to say she was leaving I was ready to ask her to stay a little more… with her lips pressed on mine. But she looked as tired as me, because like I said, it was a shitty day, so I just wished her a good night.

“Hey, bro! Long day?” Joon appeared and sat on my couch and I just followed him.

“You have no idea” I rubbed my face
“What are you doing here?”

“Wanted to bring you this” he handed me a bag and there was an expensive drink inside “One of my clients gave me two of those as a goodbye since he’s retiring so I wanted to give you one. It’s fancy like your office. And you look like you need it”

“Oh I do. I definetly do” I opened it and took a sip straigh from the bottle. I need to buy of those drink trimmer.

My phone begins to ring on top of my desk and I just rest my head on the back of the couch.

“You’re not gonna answer that?”

“Nope” I took another sip “Nari has been texting and calling me all day. I need to fix things with her otherwise I’m a dead man. And to do that I need to visit the demon cave, aka my dad’s house” Joon grabbed the bottle from my hand and took a sip.

“I forgot that she existed”

“Unfortunately, she does. And she’s still running after me”

“That was the plan after all”

“That was settled what, 10 years ago?”

“You really think your dad cares about that?” Joon raised an eyebrown at me and I frowned “How are things with Y/N by the way?”

“It’s… going”

“I have an idea of what you should do” he smiled.


As soon as I sat down on the couch and closed my eyes, Yoon showed up in the living room, fresh from the shower, all handsome and smelling good.

“What are you doing?” he startled me
“You need to get ready, we’re going out”

“We are?”

“I own you a fancy dinner, remember?” he smiled at me.

“Oh no” I groaned “It has to be tonight? I’m so tired. We can be fancy ordering pizza and watching Netflix!”

“No” he shaked his head and walked closer to me “It has to be tonight. Now put that pretty ass on the shower so I can give you food”

“Fine” I sighed and got up “What I don’t do for you, huh?” I heard him giggling behind me.


“You know, when you said fancy, I didn’t imagine it was that fancy”

Yoon took me to one of the best restaurants in the city. The type that has a guy playing live piano and several cutlery around the plate. Luckly I know how to pretend like I belong here.

“Anything for my girl” he smiled taking the menu “Maybe I brought you here to propose, you don’t know”

“Well, I’ll be waiting for a fancy ring then” he scoffed.

"Of course I have a fancy ring! I'll get down on one knee, you're gonna say yes, because, please, why wouldn't you? Everyone will applaud and One Direction will appear and start singing"

"You got One Direction together?" I pretended to be shocked.

"What kind of proposal do you think I have planned?" we both chuckled. A waiter came to our table and Yoon ordered champagne.

“Champagne? Do you have some big news to tell me? Things are looking serious"

“I just realized that I’ve never gone out on a fancy date so I decided to try it out. And you’re my person so I brought you. Besides, you got me a hell of a job. Just don’t tell my mom that I got you here first” he looked at me with a smile playing on his lips and gosh, since when is he that sweet?

“Well, I’m feeling special”

“Because you are” the waiter came back with our champagne and we made our order.

“Tell me, how does it feel to work with Park Sexy Jimin?” I rested my chin on my hands, looking excitedly at him.

“It’s good. We really hit it off! He likes my ideas a lot and he’s… happy and smiley all the time. I really like him”

“That’s good. I’m happy for you”

“How about you?” he leaned in with a playful smile “How’s your relationship with your boss?” shit. I took a big sip of my champagne.

“Well,” I avoided his eyes “we kinda were in a relationship… 2 years ago”

“What?” he questioned “Why did you never told me about that?”

“Besides Mina I didn’t told anyone” I explained and he crossed his arms, leaning against the back of the chair
“Actually, I did told Jin…”

“You what??” he exclaimed “You told him and not me? I’m your best friend!” he pounted and I suddenly felt guilt.

“I’m sorry! I’m a horrible person, I know!” no reaction “We met in Europe”

“I’m not happy” he turned his face away like a kid.

“I’m so sorry! I didn’t want to tell you by message and it ended as soon as got back”

“He broke up with someone like you?” he voiced me the question wide-eyed.

“It’s complicated” I said and he leaned closer again with a smirk.

“Don’t worry, we have time”

I love the relationship between Y/n and Yoon and nothing else matters ❤

My New (ex) Boss [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now