CH. 7

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“You grabbed everything?”

“Yes, Kook. For the milion time, I got everything,” I answered rolling my eyes.

“Passport? Wallet? Your ID? Money?”

“All check!”

“Condom?” Yoongi showed up eating popcorn with a mischievous smile.

“Why the hell would she need a condom?” Jungkook asked, pissed.

“Oh, no one told you?” Yoon pronounced, with an innocent expression “When two people are horny and don’t want to make babies, it’s import-”

“Omg shut up!” Jungkook shouted and I laughed.

“Okay, I have to go! Hoseok sent a car to pick me up and drive me to the airport. Remember to eat fruits and vegetables okay?? And please don't destroy the house! I love you both!”

“Byeee! Have fun!” Kook said.

“I’m missing you already!” Yoongi said. I waved them goodbye, closed the door, and a few moments later the car showed up.

I met Hoseok in the departure lounge. I forgot how different he looked without a suit. Not that he doesn’t look delicious with it, but I think he’s the stylish man I’ve ever met. I mean, how can someone dress so well?? I love every single one of his outfits.

For the whole time we waited he kept pacing, looking agitated. I tried to ignore him, but it was hard since he was doing that right in front of me. When I opened my mouth to say something the speakers announced our flight so we headed to board the plane.

“You can sit next to the window,” Hoseok told me and I nodded. He sat next to me, fastened his belt and frantically began tapping his hands on the armrest.

“Are you ok?” I asked since he didn’t look good. He started at me for 5 seconds and finally assented.

“Uhum,” and then he looked ahead.

A few minutes went by and the plane started to move. At the same moment Hoseok tightly squeezed the arm of the chair and closed his eyes.

“Oh God,” he whispered.

“Are you afraid of flying?” I asked.

“Maybe,” he murmured. Shit. I have no idea how I can help.

“Hey,” I said looking at him, “You said you wanted to talk. I’m ready.”

“What?” he loudly exclaimed and looked at me like I was crazy. “Now? In here? While I’m panicking?”

“Well… yeah,” I showed him an innocent smile, “Why not?”

“Okay, fine,” he looked determined. “Why didn’t you answer any of my calls?”

“You mean after you broke my heart through a message?” Hoseok blinked a few times, processing what I just said.

“It wasn’t me,” he tilted his head and gave the ‘something important will come out of my mouth’ look. “I didn’t send you the message breaking up with you.”

“What?” I whispered. Okay, things escalated quickly. Just like my heart that started to beat faster.

“I… Well…” he ran his hands through his hair. “Shit. I promise I’ll explain everything okay? Very soon.” I took a deep breath and nodded.

“I did that to distract you.”

“What?” he looked confused.

“We’re already in the air,” I smiled softly.

“Oh,” he looked outside the window and leaned in, closing it and making me chuckle. “Let’s keep it like this,” he looked at me, “Thank you.”

“No problem.”


Hawaii. The place I thought I would visit with my husband. Maybe for our honeymoon or something like that. But no. I came here with my ex who’s currently my boss. Fantastic.

I still can’t feel my hand since Hoseok squeezed really hard when the plane was landing. We quickly grabbed our stuff and called a cab going to the most beautiful hotel I have ever seen. The floor was prettier than me!

Hoseok walked calmly to the counter, aware of how handsome and wealthy he is and talked to the receptionist who attended to him as if he were the pope. Sometimes I forget how influential he can be after showing the company card.

We soon got the key card for our rooms and headed to the pretty elevator. Yes, I didn’t know an elevator could be pretty. The doors opened on the 9th floor and we walked to our bedrooms.

“We’re having dinner at 7pm. Dress in something nice,” Hoseok simply said, winked and walked into his room leaving me astonished.

I have to say that the next chapter is THE chapter (aka my favorite so far) hahah ♡

When this one hits 120☆ (votes) I post the next one 👀 Hopefully before next Monday 👀

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