CH. 5

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“They said that it will take 10 minutes,” Hoseok informed me after turning off the phone. Good thing he’s the boss. He’s a priority.

“Okay” I sighed. We were both sitting on the floor, across from each other.

“I guess you’ll be late to your date,” he spoke and I smirked. I’m not going to tell him that I’m going out with my brother.

“I guess,” I said and smiled softly.

We stood in silence for a few minutes. He was looking at the ceiling while I was reading some old messages pretending I had someone to talk to, but I texted 4 people and no one answered. Great.

“Y/N?” he called and I looked up at him. He tilted his head and gave me a deep stare, a thing he always does when he has something important to say. The fact that I know that is really annoying.


“Do you think maybe we could talk sometime?”

“What do you wanna talk about?”

“About us,” he said and I scoffed.

“There’s no 'us' Hoseok. At least not anymore,” I whispered that last part, but he could still hear me.

“There’s so much I need to tell you, Y/N. So much I need to explain,” as soon as he said that the elevator doors started to open, so we got up.

“Well,” I looked directly into his eyes,

“I guess you’re 2 years late.”


“You’re late!” Jungkook yelled as soon as I got in the restaurant and sat in front of him.

“Sorry, I had a little energy problem at work” I smiled and he stared at me. I grabbed the menu to choose what to eat. “Have you ordered already?”

“Nope. I was waiting for you."

“How was work today?”

“It was fine. But the models decided to talk to me instead of shut up and stare at the camera,” he sighed “So I’m a little tired.”

“It’s because you’re breathtaking. We talked about this already,” I placed the menu down and saw him rolling his eyes.

“It’s in the family then, considering that the waiter can’t stop looking at you from the moment you walked in,” he pointed at the guy with his head who immediately looked away when I stared at him.

“Well, I’m used to it already,” I joked and winked, making him laugh.

Jungkook called a waiter, one that wasn’t busy staring at me, and we made our order.

“I have something to tell you,” he spoke.

“What is it?”

“Yoongi is moving back to Seoul,” he took a sip of his water and I smiled, excited.

“Really? When is he coming?”

“Next week. So he’s going to stay with us for a few days until he finds a place.”

“I miss him,” I said, still smiling, and Jungkook smirked.

“Of course you did.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I wrinkled my forehead.

“Weren’t you two ‘something’ back in the days?” Kook said smiling like a kid.

“That was so long ago! And it was one simple kiss, ok?” It was my time to roll my eyes.

“Whatever you say, pretty girl,” he laughed.

****on the way back home ****

“Any plans for this weekend?” I asked and looked at Jungkook who was driving.

“Nothing so far. Why?” I kept silent, still staring at him, with a grin on my face. He quickly looked at me.

“What?” he laughed.

“How about we do a movie marathon? Like the old times!”

“The old times were 2 weeks ago,” he chuckled. “Don’t you have friends to go out with?”

“All of them are busy. How about you? Where are your friends?” I mocked him.

“Well, one is in Daegu and the other is in the car with me,” he answered seriously, bursting into laughter, making me do the same. “Gosh I need new friends,” he complained.

“You work with people at your age all day, Kook. You can easily make friends.”

“I’m shy, okay? Anyway, I would love to have a movie marathon with you.”

“Yesss!” I celebrated.

“With one condition.”

“Oh no. What is it?”

“We’re watching Marvel movies,” he smiled proudly and I groaned, burying myself in the car seat.

“Not again!”

“I can lock myself in my room if you want.” He stopped at a red light and looked down at me. Smiling. Idiot.

“I can’t wait to see Thanos killing half the world. Again.” I said with a forced smile and he chuckled.

A/N: Y/n did said on chapter 3 that her brother wanted to take her out for dinner BSKSBSJSBJS LOVE YOU GUYS ♡

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