CH. 22

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Hoseok’s POV 

“I could be in the pool. I could be watching a movie. I could be working on a song. But nooooo,” Jimin complained on the passenger seat next to me, arms crossed “I’m helping someone to move to a new apartment”

“That someone happens to be your producer who you have become very friendly with.” 

“That’s not the point here.” 

“What’s the point then?” 

“The point is that you didn’t tell me that Y/N used to be your girlfriend! She’s the mysterious girl!” 

“I thought the point was that your Saturday is ruined,” Joon mumbled from the back seat. 

“We’ll talk about that in a sec,” Jimin answered, looking angrily at me. 

“I didn’t tell any of you about her! There’s no reason for you to be mad,” he scoffed at my statement. 

“I’m not anyone, okay? I’m your bestest best friend.”

“Bestest best friend?” Tae questioned.

“It’s a word!” he looked back at me, “You know I was flirting with her the day I went there, right?”

“I know.” 

“I could have asked for her number.” 

“I know.” 

“I could ask for her number today.”

“Hell no!” now I was looking angrily at him. 

“Why not? We can become best friends now that the spot is available,” he showed me a goofy grin. 

“She already has a best friend, she doesn’t need another one” 

“Am I feeling a pinch of jealousy in your voice??” Taehyung mocked me and Joon joined him.

“I think you are, Tae!”

“I hate all of you,” I said and they all laughed. Thankfully we finally arrived. 

I parked the car on the other side of the street and saw Y/N laughing with Jin. After a few seconds Yoongi jumped out of the truck wagon and joined the conversation. Jungkook showed up limping and asked something that all of them answered with a loud ‘no’ at the same time. 

“So, like, she only has male friends?” Joon questioned while all of us were observing the scene happening in front of us.

“Yup,” I clapped my tongue.

“Tae’s boyfriend is here,” Jimin casually pronounced.

“What?!” Joon and I said at the same time looking at Tae who was now blushing.

“He’s not my boyfriend!” 

“Which one is it?” I asked “The one who’s pouting?”

“Maybe” he looked the other way.

“I think we should go over there before they notice that we’re staring like a bunch of pervs” Jimin said.

“C’mon, let’s go”               

We got out of the car and walked towards the group of friends who seemed to be having an important discussion about the fact that Jungkook can’t carry heavy boxes upstairs. 

“Hobi!” Y/N shouted as soon as she sees me, greeting me with a beautiful smile. And holy fuck she just called me by my nickname! I need to learn to not freak out over that. “When you said you would come with some friends I didn’t imagine that you would bring three,” she chuckled in an adorable way. 

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