CH. 14

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“Okay, which one?” I placed my red dress in front of me and then the navy blue.

“The blue one,” Jungkook and Mina, who were on a video call, said at the same time.

“I think you should put them on so I can choose,” Yoongi said with a serious face and I just rolled my eyes.

“The blue it is.”

“Ugh, I can’t believe I can’t go with you this year,” Mina whined. “You better send me a lot of pictures, okay?” when I was about to answer Yoon grabbed the phone from my brother’s hand and turned at him.

“You know what else she can send you? My phone number,” he bragged and I grabbed the phone back.

“Every year,” she said, making me chuckle.

“I miss yooou!”

“I miss you toooo! This whole ‘we don’t live in the same country’ thing is getting annoying already. I can’t wait to be on vacation so I can visit you.”

“I hope that can happen soon,” I smiled.

“Same here! Okay, I gotta go now. I’ll talk to you soon!”

“Okay! Love ya!”

“Love you lots!” and with that we ended our call and I sat down in the middle of the boys.

“I can’t believe neither of you are going with me” I pouted.

“I’m sorry, but I have a photoshoot tonight.”

“And I’m meeting Jimin so he can see how talented I am. Did I ever thank you for giving him my number?” Yoon looked at me and I smiled.

“Only a million times.”

“Thank you,” he said again and gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

“You two make me sick,” Kook complained.

“You want a kiss too?” Yoon provoked “I can give you one, come here.” he got up going after my brother who ran into his room. “You don’t need to play hard to get!” he yelled and I laughed.

Hoseok’s POV

“Done,” Joon announced after finishing knotting my bow tie, something that I rarely use.

“Thanks man. It looks good, right?” I asked looking at the hall that was starting to fill up with people.

“It does. Like always,” he smiled.

“Well, yeah. But this year the event is on me so I feel slightly worried. Especially because it’s been years since I have come to one of these. Thanks for coming by the way. It means a lot.” I smiled tapping his back.

“Always,” he smirked.

When I opened my mouth to say something I spotted Y/N getting in. She stopped to greet her co-worker Jin and holy shit. She looked devastatingly gorgeous. How? How can someone look like that? It should be illegal. Oh shit she saw me. Oh shit she’s walking in my direction.

“You’re drooling,” Joon whispered in my ear and I fixed my posture.

“Hey!” she smiled and her perfume hit me and I just want to cry because I’m not dating that girl “You are… Namjoon, right?” she makes an expression trying to remember his name and Joon chuckled, making his dimples appeared. Stupid dimples.

“That’s right” they exchanged a handshake “And you’re Y/N if I’m not wrong.”

“You’re right.”

“You came alone?” I casually asked.

“Sadly yes. My friend who always comes with me moved so I’m all alone tonight.”

“Of course you’re not alone!” when I was about to offer her my amazing company, Jin showed up hugging her by the waist “Me and my pretty face are here to keep you company” he smiled and I did my best to not roll my eyes.

“Jin, this is my friend Namjoon. Joon, this is Jin, he works with me.” I said

“It’s more that I work for you, but that’s ok. Nice to meet you” he joked.

“Nice to meet you too” my friend chuckled and they shook hands.

“My job here is to walk around talking to people trying to get their money, right?” I asked, a little nervous.

“Yes! It helps a lot if you call them by their names” Y/N pointed out and I widened my eyes.

“I should know their names?”

“It was in the folder I gave you!” she expressed a worried glance, “Pictures and names.”

“Oh… Yeah I saw that” I laughed embarrassed.


“And I fell asleep trying to match the face to the name” I groaned.

“You don’t know anyone’s name?” Jin asked carefully.

“It’s been awhile since i've shown up to these events.” I looked around to see if I could recognize anyone and then I saw him.

My dad.

Who's ready to hate a character? 👀

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