CH. 10

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“Souvenirs! Where’s my souvenirs?” Jin yelled the minute I got to my desk.

“I missed you too, Jinnie.”

“This place looks so lonely without you here,”  he says with a hand on his chest making me laugh.

“Here you go,” I smiled and handed him the bag. Good thing Hoseok’s second meeting was right in front of a mall.

“Oh my God, look at that! Isn’t that the most beautiful flowered shirt you’ve ever seen?” he said staring at the shirt, making me chuckle.

“There’s also a keychain.”

“Thank you,” he kissed my cheek and took his keys to place his new keychain. “I still can’t believe that your ex boyfriend took you to Hawaii. Tell me,” he looked at me, “Did you two do it?”

“What? No!” I frowned my eyebrows.

“You can tell me!” Jin said getting closer, “I won’t tell anyone, I promise.”

“We didn’t sleep together!” I screamed, whispering.

“So nothing happened?”


“C’mon!! I need to know! I’m your best fr-”

“Hey, Y/N! Hey, Jin,” Lia who works downstairs showed up. We didn’t talk much, but one day we shared a hot chocolate in a Starbucks while we talk badly about the whole male race, so I like her. And she’s always nice to everyone. I wish we worked on the same floor.

“Hey, Lia! How are you?”

“Tired. I can’t wait for the weekend. Can you ask Mr. Hoseok to sign those papers, please?” Oh damn. Should I be calling him ‘Mr’?

“Sure! Don’t worry,” I smiled and took the papers from her.

“Hey, we really need to go out for lunch or something. We have to catch  up,” she winked and turned around.

“I like her,” Jin said.

“And you said I don’t have a social life,” I exclaimed with a proud smile.

“Oh yeah. So many friends. I’m shocked,” he said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes.

“I’ll be right back,” I got up and walked towards Hoseok’s office.

I kept in mind that I wasn’t really happy with him because of the way he treated me yesterday. But when he signals me to come in, I forget why I went there in the first place. He was so handsome it hurt. His hair was combed back and he wore a gray suit that I thought would look much better on the floor. Shit, Y/N! Focus!

“Okay, I’ll call you later. Bye,” he turned off his phone and looked at me.

“Good morning, Mr. Hoseok. I have a few papers for you to sign in and this is your schedule for the day,” I placed the papers in front of him and he started to take a look.

Mr. Hoseok?” he questioned.

“Well, all the other employees seem to call you that so I thought I should too.”

“But you’re not the other employees,” he looked at me and I froze for a second. “Hobi.” he went back to the papers.


“You should call me Hobi.”

“I don’t think it’s appropriate.”

“It was very appropriate two nights ago,” he gave me back the papers with a mischievous smile on his pretty face. I could feel my cheeks burning already. What’s up with me and the freaking addiction that I have for Jung Hoseok??

“I guess that was different,” I turned around to leave but he called me, so I looked at him.

“I would like to explain and apologize for my behavior yesterday,” he got up from his chair and stopped in front of me. “I was...” he cleared his throat, looking embarrassed “I was jealous and pissed.”

“Jealous? About what? Kyle?” I was bewildered for a moment.

“Yes. And after I told him that we were together I got angry with myself because it wasn’t true… At least not anymore. I don’t know I just started to overthink about it and I ended up taking it out on you. Then I saw you with those guys in the airport and then I overthinked again,” he sighed loudly “I’m sorry for that. It won’t be repeated.”

“I accept your apologies,” I smiled at him as he does the same. I’m pretty sure at some point I’ll have to tell him about Jungkook and Yoongi, but his phone begins to ring “You should take that,” I leave the room and take a deep breath, ready to start my day after a good dose of Hoseok.

Hoseok’s POV    

“Jimin’s back in town,” it’s the first thing Taehyung tells me when I pick up the phone.

“That’s great! I bet you were missing your soulmate,” I played with him and we both laughed.

“Joon was thinking about how we all should have dinner together tonight at his fancy place. Like the old times, just the four of us.”

“Sure! I would like that.”

“Then you can talk to Jimin about what you’ve been working on. I bet he’s gonna help.”

“It’s settled then! What time?”

“You can show up around 7pm.”
“Okay. See you guys tonight.”

“See ya. Oh by the way, when are you telling us about that secret girlfrie-” I turn off the phone before he can finish that sentence.

Surpriseee!! Hahaha
Next update will come tomorrow ❤
Any theories on what Hoseok is working on? 👀

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