CH. 4

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I look frantically at the clock, anxious to put in my time and I can finally get out of this office and get away from everything related to Jung Hoseok for two whole days.

I think this was the most boring day of the week. “Hobi’s” friends spent basically the whole day in his office, which ended with me answering several phone calls and rescheduling his meetings saying that our dear Hoseok was unable to take calls at the moment.

Jin left earlier so he could get ready for his mystery date, which ended with Hoseok and me alone on the 18º floor. Very alone. On a very high floor. I feel like I should be slightly intimidated but I feel strangely calm. I'm probably still numb with the high dose of beauty from my boss's friends.

When the clock finally ticked, I got up in a hurry and started to collect my things to leave.

“Y/N?” No. For the Love of God, no. I'm halfway to the elevator when Hoseok called me.

“Yes?" I turned around, slowly, hoping that he could understand that my facial expression screams my desire to leave. But no. He smiled slowly as if he has all the time in the world, which wouldn’t exactly be a lie.

“Can you take a look at a project I'm working on? It would be great to have the opinion from someone who’s outside,” he ran his hands through his hair and shoved his hands in his pockets.

WHAT? I was sitting all day with absolutely nothing to do and when I can finally go home he asks me a favor? It’s Friday night! He doesn’t have a life? A dog to go home to?  Something?

“Can I do that on Monday? It was a long week and it’s passed my time to work,” I answered calmly and he glanced at the time on the watch on his wrist, making an astonished face.

“I didn't see it was so late,” he murmured. “Of course, we can leave it for Monday” I nodded and headed back towards the elevators. "Wait!" he screamed again and I looked at him again. "I'm going with you." I widened my eyes when he walked to his office to get his things.

I can do this. I can get in a box for a few minutes with my hot boss, who smells good and has a history with me. I’m strong.

I pressed the elevator button and after a few moments Hoseok is beside me, impregnating my entire personal space with his great cologne and his healed abdomen. Not that I should be thinking about that at the moment.

The doors opened and we entered. At the same moment my cell phone vibrated indicating a new message.

JK: All set for our dinner?

                      Y/N: Yup, It’s been so long        since the last time you paid for my dinner (':

JK: Haha very funny. Don’t be late!
JK: It was not easy to get that reservation.

                     Y/N: I'll be on time, don't       worry.

I placed my phone in my pocket and when I least expect it ...

“Big plans?” Hoseok asked looking over my shoulder. Really? Couldn’t we stay in the awkward silence?

“Yeah,” I said. He nodded and looked away. “What about you? Any plans for the night?” I’m so polite. My mom should be proud of me.

“Not really. I’ll probably just order something to eat and watch a movie” he answered and I think he seemed a little upset. I’m not sure.

“I see” I smiled softly.

And then we heard this loud and creepy noise and the elevator suddenly stopped. The lights turned off and the emergency one turned one.

No no no.
Hoseok pressed a few buttons. Nothing.

“I guess we’re stuck.”

My New (ex) Boss [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now