CH. 23

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Hoseok’s POV 

First we stopped at Y/n’s house so she could grab her bag, then we went to a supermarket to buy food for the 2 days (and a half) that we’re staying together and finally at a drive thru to order out a very unhealthy ‘lunch’ – it was past lunch time but let’s keep the name. It takes a little more than 2 hours to get to Joon’s house and I can’t wait to get there and kiss Y/n non stop. I think she’s okay with that since that’s the only thing I planned for this weekend. I’m feeling like a perv right now. 

“I'm feeling a little bad,” she said and I quickly glanced at her.

“Are you sick? I have some meds in my bag if you need. We can also st-”

“No!” she giggled, “Not that. I’m feeling bad for not telling my brother about us. I told him I was going to spend the holiday with a friend from work. It’s not exactly a lie but it’s not the truth either,” she played with her fingers on her lap.

“Why didn’t you tell him?”

“I don’t know!” she exclaimed, “We tell each other everything! He doesn’t even know that I met someone during my trip. I’ll have to talk to him when we’re back.”

“Is he gonna be okay staying alone? Because of his ankle and all.”

“He’s staying with Yoon, so he’ll be fine.”

“That’s good then. It’s nice that you two are that close.” 

“My brother and I? Yeah, we ar-”

“You and Yoongi,” I cut her off, looking straight forward.

She then turned at me, with a smile playing on her lips.

“You know,” she said “it’s the second time that you've brought that up.”

“Oh really?” I pretended like I don’t know what she’s talking about. Like if I haven’t watched them all day.

“Really!” she grinned, “By any chance are you jealous?”

“Me? Of course not!” I scoffed “Why would I? I know you two are just very close friends.”

“So if I tell you that since he got here we’re sleeping together you wouldn’t mind, right?”

“WHAT?” I immediately brake the car and looked at her who was wide-eyed.

“Hoseok! Are you crazy?” 

“There’s no one behind us, I looked. Now, are you two sleeping together?” her shocked expression softens and becomes a playful smile. 

“No” now it was me who was wide-eyed.

“Y/n! You can’t do that to me,” I run my hand through my hair and start the car again “You’re so mean.”

“You are so jealous,” she giggled.

“Maybe I am. So what?”

“So nothing,” she played with her hair, paying attention at the road “I just didn't know that side of you. It’s kinda hot.”

“We still have 50 minutes on the road. You shouldn’t say those kind of things.”

“What things?” she got closer and whispered in my ear “Like I really wanna take off your clothes?” she sits back in her seat and looks out the window like if nothing happened. As if my pants suddenly didn't get tight. Shit.

It’s gonna be a long ride.


“You know, when you said lake house, I didn’t imagine this,” Y/n said while both of us stared at the big construction in front of us. It could easily be called mansion.

“It looks bigger since the last time I came here.”

“And when was that?”

“I don’t know. Maybe 5 years ago? We used to come here every weekend when Joon bought it.”

“What happened that made you stop?”

“Life happened,” I gave her a reassuring smile and held her hand “C’mon, let’s go in.”

Y/N and I took everything from the car and placed the groceries in their right place in the kitchen. Luckily, Namjoon pays someone to come from time to time so the place is clean. 

We grabbed our bags and went upstairs to choose one between the thousands of rooms. 

“So…” I scratched the back of my neck “You want your own room?” great, I’m blushing. 

“No” Y/n simply said and smiled, walking inside the bedroom in front of us. Gosh, I love that girl. 

We unpacked a few things and decided to walk to the lake and explore the property a little. 

Y/n’s POV

No?? I really said ‘no’ to having my own room?? Since when I’m that bold? Oh right, since never. But however, it’s nothing we haven’t done before. 

Hoseok and I stoop on the pier, enjoying the beautiful view in front of us. The sun was already setting, painting the sky with different shades of orange and yellow. It was breathtaking. 

“I don’t think I would stop coming here if the place was mine,” I said as Hobi chuckled next to me.

“I thought that the first thing I came. You know,” he placed himself behind me and hugged my waist, pressing my back against his chest “we had a rule. No girls allowed.” I laughed at his statement. 

“Oh really? What changed that?”

“Like I said, life happened,” he buried his head on my neck, leaving a trail of kisses. And of course I tilted my head to the side, giving him  better access.

“So, *kiss* what *kiss* do you *kiss* want to do now? *kiss*” 

“Humm,” I know he’s expecting an answer but I am unable to think at the moment.

I turned at him, looked deeply in his beautiful brown eyes and sealed our lips together.

It’s intense. He touches his tongue to mine and a mixture of emotions runned through my body, wishing for more. His hands were all over me, trying to keep me anchored to him. I thrust my fingers through his soft hair pulling him even closer. The cold breeze makes me shiver but I couldn’t care less. I can feel his heartbeat against my chest and something never felt so right. 

We broke apart for air and I rested my forehead against his, gathering some much needed oxygen. There’s a smirk playing on his lips and lust in his eyes. 

“Let’s go inside.”

My New (ex) Boss [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now