CH. 2

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Hoseok’s POV

I held my breath and did my best to not look surprised. Y/N was sitting right next to me, with an expression that looked like she would run away any minute now.

Did I pretend I didn't know her when my sister introduced us? Yes, I did. Did she do the same? Yes, she did.

Now we’re both sitting in front of Jieun, who’s talking about something that’s probably important, and all I can think about is that Y/N’s using the same perfume from 2 years ago, making a lot of memories come back in a flash.

“Any questions, Hoseok?” I shook my head and tried to focus on my sister’s words.

“No, all good.” I smiled.

“Great. What about you Y/N?”

“I’m good too” she answered and smiled. Gosh, I missed that smile.

“Good!” Jieun exclaimed and got up from her seat “I’m gonna leave you both alone so you can get to know each other while I solve some issues before I go.”


An alarm went off inside my head when I heard that sentence. ‘Get to know each other??’ I know Hoseok better than myself! I don’t need some “alone time” with him!

A silence floods the room as soon as the door is closed. But that’s a good thing, right? I mean, a person who ends things the way he did probably has nothing to say, right?


“I’m surprised to see you here,” he spoke after a few minutes and I did my best to not roll my eyes to my new “boss”.

“I could say the same,” I swear I tried not to look at him, I really did, but some stronger and evil force turned my head in his direction, making me stare at his brown eyes. He looked good as hell.

“Family first, right?”

“Right.” we kept looking at each other for what seemed like hours, but it was probably a few seconds.

“I’ve missed you” he whispered.

I froze. He has no right to say those words. And my heart is not allowed to beat faster after that sentence.

I opened my mouth to answer, but before I got the chance to do that, the phone began to ring. Thank God.

“You should take that.” I mumbled and got up, ready to go to my desk and throw myself in my chair, far away from that office that seemed to have been consumed by Hoseok and his strong and remarkable presence.
I sighed loudly when I reached my seat. I still can’t believe this is actually happening.

“What did you do now?” Jin, my co-worker and one of my best friends asked me.

“I did nothing, okay? The world is the one that decided to mess with my life” I rested my head on the back of the chair and closed my eyes.

“What happened?”

“What happened is that Jieun is going on her honeymoon and her sweet brother is going to take care of things around here” I looked at him “For a whole month. Maybe more.” I said emphasizing the word.

“Her brother as in Jung Hoseok as in your summer love dude?” Jin asked and I nodded my head. He laughed. He laughed a lot.

“Can you stop?” I complained, “And stop with that ‘summer love’ thing too! It’s not funny and it’s a lie” I crossed my arms over my chest, pouting.

“How was your meeting? A lot of hearts floating around? Butterflies in your stomach?”

“I hate you”

“You knew this was going to happen anytime soon. He’s basically the heir of this company. No way you wouldn’t see him again”

“I know” I sighed loudly “But he never showed interest in this and he doesn’t seem that close to his family either”

“I can’t wait to see you two working together,” Jin pronounced with a grin “It’s gonna be fun”

“Kill me now”

My New (ex) Boss [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now