CH. 21

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Two bottles of champagne later and Yoon could tell the color of my underwear the first time Hoseok and I slept together.

Okay he couldn’t, but I basically told him everything, including the kiss we shared that morning.

“So you two are dating?” he questioned.

“I don’t know! I don’t think so. We never discussed that”

“I think you should”

“Me too!” I said determined, hitting my hand on the table “He can’t just kiss me whenever he wants! Actually, he totally can” I let out a drunk laugh.

“I think it’s time for us to go home,” he grinned asking for the bill “We left your brother alone with a twisted ankle and left over pizza.

“He’s fine. Oh, are you moving this Saturday, right?”

“I am. My mom already dispatched my things so everything is settled” he winked and got up after paying. Both of us headed to the exit.

“Oh no!” I stopped in the middle of the way.

“What’s wrong?”

“Does that mean I won’t see you everyday from now on?” my eyes filled with tears.

Stupid alcohol! Always makes me emotional. But of course Yoon didn’t care about the fact that I was almost crying in the middle of a luxurious restaurant.

“Hey, I’m not living that far. We can see each other anytime you want” he said softly.

“You promise?” I sniffed and he smiled.

“I promise” he kissed my forehead and held my hand “C’mon, let’s go home”


“Hey, you know what we should do Monday?” Jin asked me the next day. I wasn’t feeling the best, but at least Kook forced me to drink a lot of water before I slept so I didn’t wake up with the biggest headache of my life.


“You can come over to my place and we can watch some movies. It’s been forever since we’ve hung out”

“Don’t we have work on Monday?”

“It’s holiday, remember?” he gave me a look that basically called me stupid.

“Oh! Right! Sorry, my head is a mess right now. But yeah, I would love that” I smiled.

“Okay then! I'm going grocery shopping so I can cook a few things”

“I like brownies” I gave him a suggestive look.

“I know you ‘like brownies’” he imitated my voice and I frowned “I always make brownies for you"

“And that’s one of the many reasons why I love you” I pushed my chair over to him and side hugged him “Another reason is because you’re helping Yoon moving”

“What?” he took my arms off him and looked at me.

“Tomorrow. Get there early, will ya?” I went back to my desk.


“You’re such a great friend!"

“But I-"

“Y/N, can you come here please?” Hoseok called me.

“Gotta go, the boss is calling me,” I smirked.

“I hate you”

I walked into Hoseok’s office and saw him sitting on the couch, reading some papers.

“Hey, what can I do for you?” I questioned.

“Here, take a seat,” he tapped next to him and I did as he said.

“I have a question for you”

“Okay,” I nodded. He looked at me for several seconds before suddenly getting up, running his hand through his hair. He looked anxious. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” he gave me a nervous laugh “I’m just gonna ask you. Would you like to spend the weekend with me?” he looked at me with expectation in his eyes.

“What?” I asked bewildered and he sat down again, holding my hand.

“I told you once and I’ll repeat, I still like you and I would like to try again! Try us again, I mean-” he cleared his throat and I smothered a laugh. I noticed his cheeks turning slightly pink “What I’m trying to say is that Namjoon has a lake house and he said that I could use it this weekend. That we could use this weekend. And I swear it’s a great place and not scary like in those horror movies. Well, at least I never heard of anyone who died around there. Maybe it happened already and I’m not aware of but we can have fun and… And I should stop talking” I chortled at his struggle to ask me to spend a few days with him. How can he go from sexy to adorable in a few seconds?

“I would love to go but…” his smile faded.

“My friend is moving out this Saturday and my brother twisted his ankle, which means that the hard work is on me, Yoon and Jin” I shrugged sadly. He lets go of my hand and looked away, raking his hand through his hair again.

“I know!” he suddenly yelled, startling me.

“I can help!” he looked at me excited.

“You’re going to help?”

“Yeah! I can move some boxes around. And I have a few friends that would love to help too! That way we can spend Sunday and Monday together! If you like, of course” he explained and I smiled at him.

“That sounds like a plan.”

Lake hooouse ansvjssbjs
Things are happening guys 👀

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