CH. 15

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Hoseok’s POV

“No way,” I whispered, staring at the man that I haven’t seen for the last 2 years.

“Is that…-”

“Yup,” I answered before Joon could finish his sentence, “I’ll be right back.”

I walked towards my dad remembering the last time that we saw each other. When he beat me up, broke up my relationship with Y/N and sent me away to United States.

My blood started to boil but I managed to control myself.

“Hey dad,” he turned at me with the same blank expression and looked me up and down.

“Hoseok,” he seemed indifferent as always. Nothing changed.

“What are you doing here?” I asked coldly and he scoffed.

“Did you forget that this is still my company?”

“Of course not but… Jieun said you haven't been to these charity events for the last 4 years”

“Yeah, since your sister’s been in charge,” he gives me a judgemental look. “I wanted to see how you’re doing. If my investment in your education was worth something. And to hear your speech”

“What?” my hands start to sweat “I thought that…”

“That you could play my stupid ‘thank you’ video like every year? Not this time” he says flatly.

“I imagined that you would personally do it since you’re here”

“Of course not. I have no interest in those stupid events” he scoffed “Raise money for some stupid charity project just so we can look good in the media” he said. “Besides… I want to see if you’re still a big disappointment or if you managed to grow some balls” the look he gave me made me feel small, like if I were a child again.


"If you think I trust to take care of my  company you're wrong. Your sister told me you were in charge a week after she was gone" he scoffed "Can't wait to see how you're going to disappoint me this time" he turned his back at me and all I want is that the ground can open and swallow me.



“Hey, Y/N?” Namjoon showed up next to me.


“Have you seen Hoseok? He went to talk to his dad 40 minutes ago and he disappeared”

“Oh shit. I’ll try to find him” I said and started to walk around. He can’t be missing! He’s basically the most important person here!

“Lia” I spotted her talking to some people.

“Y/N!” she smiled “Wow I loved your dress!”

“Thank you! Have you seen Hoseok?”

“I think I saw him a while ago walking in that direction” she pointed outside the saloon.

“Okay, thanks!” I started to walk “And you look amazing!” I shouted and she giggled.

I searched for him in 3 different rooms and nothing. Actually, not nothing since there was a couple making out in one of them. This place is huge! Why would he come to this side? Was him with a girl too? No! I shook my head and kept walking. That’s not the type of thoughts I should have right now.

I tried one last room and finally found him. He was sitting on the floor in front of the open balcony, his jacket and tie was off and he had a drink bottle next to him.


“Hoseok?” he didn’t look “Hobi?” I tried again and he turned at me. His eyes were red and his cheeks wet

“What happened?” I sat next to him.

“My dad’s here” he said in a low voice, staring at the night view in front of him.

“Yeah, I heard that”

“He said he came to see if I’m still a failure. And he wants me to make a speech” he sniffed.

“A speech?” I asked surprised. Usually Jieun plays the thank you video from their father and says a few words. Simple and fast. She never does the whole thing.

“Yes, a fucking speech! How can I even try to do that?” he looked at me and I saw so much pain in his eyes “My entire life I tried to impress my dad, to be worthy of his approval. I used to do things that I thought would make him proud and I would only be scolded by him. He had my entire future planned and didn’t cared about anything else but him and he’s stupid company. That’s why he got so pissed when I said I wanted to work with music! That just made me even more of a failure in his beliefs” more tears escaped from his eyes and my heart sank. He took a long sip of the liquid in the bottle and cleaned his cheeks with the back of his hand.

“Hey, look at me” he reluctantly did and I held his face with my hands, looking deep in his eyes “You are not a failure Jung Hoseok. You’re an amazing, smart, dedicated man. It doesn’t matter what your dad thinks! The only thing that matters right now is if you’re happy. You can run the company or work with music, I don’t care. Just know that I’ll always support you, okay?” I offered him a small smile and remembered the phrase he used to say to me “You can touch the stars if you want, Hobi”

“You really mean that?” he whispered.


He then leaned over and sealed his lips on mine and I can feel a heat wave spread through my body. He tastes like the alcohol he was drinking and I couldn’t enjoy more. My lips parted by their own and Hoseok’s tongue invades my mouth and a deep, hoarse groan leaves his throat. His hands touched my head and I caressed his cheek. Something’s happening to me and I just can’t stop kissing him.

Until his phone starts vibrating near us and I come back to reality, realizing what we’re doing and the event that’s happening not that far. I touched his chest, breaking the kiss, and he rested his forehead on mine while we caught our breath.

“We should go back” I whispered and he raised his head in a quick motion.

“Please don’t make me go back there” his eyes filled with tears again and I nodded my head.

“You don’t need to go back. I’ll call Namjoon to take you home okay?”

“Okay” he sniffed looking like a kid. When I was about to get up he held my arm “Can I ask you something?”


“Do you have two boyfriends?” he had a serious expression that didn't allow me to laugh.

“No, Hobi. I’m single” I smiled softly “But I do have a brother and best friend who I hang out with a lot”

“Good. So I can do this again.” he touched my face and pulled me to another kiss.

It's going to be a long night.

Surprise update!! hahaha I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!!
Happy birthday, Collie ❤

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