CH. 17

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“I’ll grab that ball and stick in your-”

“Y/N?” I slowly turned around, just to find Hoseok in all his glory and hotness looking at me. He was with his regular and stylish clothes looking really, really fine. While me? All smelly, sweaty and with a messy ponytail.


“I thought we agreed that you were going to call me Hobi” he tilted his head to the side and it was adorable “Like you did yesterday,” he smiled.

“Oh… I’ll work on that” I laughed embarrassed and he took a step closer “What are you doing here?”

“I thought I should thank you in person” he touched his hair looking a little shy. “Thank you for helping me last night. Joon told me everything you did for me and you ha-”

“Who’s this?” Yoongi popped up next to me “Oh, I’ve seen you before. You’re the boss, right?”

“I guess I am” Hoseok answered flatly.

“Yoon, this is Hoseok, my boss. Hoseok, this is my best friend, Min Yoongi. Who by the way is Jimin’s new producer,” I said with a proud smile.

“Oh, so you’re the guy he hired?”

“Yeah, that’s me,” Yoon spoked.

“I guess we’ll be seeing each other. Since I’m close to Jimin”

“Maybe we will,” he grinned.

“Would you mind if I talk to Y/N for a second? Alone?” Hoseok asked.

“No problem” he laughed mischievously taking some steps back.

“So,” Hoseok looked at me “I want to ask if you want to have dinner with me tonight? At my place? As a thank you for you covering for me yesterday” he shined at me with his begging eyes and of course I wouldn’t say no.

“I would love to!” I smiled widely “What time do you want me there?”

“7pm is good for you?”

“It’s perfect”

“Okay, so I’ll see you tonight” he giggled and that inflated my heart.

“See you” he walked away I could not look at his amazing and perfect as-”

“You’re dating your boss now?” Yoon spoked in my ear, scaring me.

“Can you not sneak up on me?”

“That’s a good way to get a raise!” he snickered and I slapped his arm.

“Shut up!”


I can do this. I can totally do this. I can have dinner with Hoseok without feeling nervous and anxious. It’s not like we’ve never done this. We had dinner in Hawaii. Oh my God, dinner in Hawaii! No, Y/N! Not the time to think about that!

Do I look okay? Kook and Yoon said yes but I’m getting the feeling that I look like I’m trying too hard. Wait, is that even a thing?

I think I’m gonna throw up.

I took a deep breath and rang the bell. A few seconds later Hoseok opened the door with a huge smile on his face and a dog next to his feet looking at me.

“Omg!” I bent down and petted the dog “He’s so cute! What’s his name?”

“Mickey,” he smiled

“He’s adorable!” I grinned and got up.

“Make yourself at home!” he made a gesture for me to come in and closed the door. I was impressed with his place. It was so big and so… him. From every detail to the color of the walls you could see Hoseok’s personality.

“Would you like to drink something? I have beer, wine, coke, sprite

“I will go with wine,” I said and he guided me to the kitchen where I noticed that he had already started making dinner. He grabbed a bottle of rose wine, that apparently he remembers being my favorite, and poured me a glass “Thank you. Do you need help with that?”

“Oh, no! This is me thanking you for what you did so you can just sit and relax” he offered me one of his beautiful smiles and I sat down on the stool, facing him.

As weird as it sounds, I could watch Hoseok cook all day. He rolled up the sleeves of the shirt he was wearing and went back to work, cutting some vegetables. Something says that I shouldn’t be paying so much attention to every single detail about him but I can’t take my eyes off that man. He has this cute mole on his lips that is simply adorable and I just wish I could touch his hair, it looks so soft and-”

“Y/N? Is everything okay?”

“What?” I looked at him coming back to reality “I’m sorry, what did you ask?”

“How long have you played basketball?” he giggled and turned his attention back to his carrot.

“I don’t, actually. Yoongi always liked to play so he dragged me to go with him, but I’m terrible at it” I smirked.

“You two are really close, aren’t you?” I could feel a little bit of tension when he voiced me the question but I decided to ignore.

“We have known each other since we were kids so… yeah. I used to have a crush on him when I was younger” he looked up at me right away and I smothered a laugh. “We even kissed once but ended up laughing because it felt like I was kissing my brother. So we’re just best friends” I smiled and he nodded.

“That’s good” he said and I grinned “What about your brother?”

“He’s a photographer! Has his own studio and contracts with some companies, especially magazines, that call him when they have a photoshoot to do”

“That’s awesome!” he smiled.

“It is! Have you-” the sound of the doorbell interrupted me, and Hoseok looked at me frowning.

“I’ll be right back” I took a sip of my wine while he walked towards the door, which I could see since his kitchen was open.

“Hoyaaaa” Ho what? A pink blur ran through the door and hugged Hoseok.

“Nari? What are you doing here?” he asked annoyed, taking her arms off him.

“What do you mean?” she started running her fingers through Hoseok's hair, who didn’t seem to mind “We made plans of me coming over, remember?”

“No, I said I didn’t want you here” omg! She’s the girl I saw talking to him when we were looking for an apartment for Yoon!

“But I came anyway! I thought I could cheer you up a little” she took a step forward and her hands traveled up and down his chest. Really??

“You can’t show up here whenever you want, Nari”

“I would warn you that I’m coming if you answer my calls” she got closer to him. Should I do something? Sneeze? Cough? Throw my shoe at her face?

“Okay, look,” Hoseok pronounced, finally holding her arms. Her stupid and naughty arms “Right now is not a good time.”

“But I-” right when she was about to say some kind of excuse, a suicidal fork fell to the floor, drawing their attention to me. Oh, no! What a bummer.

“Who the hell are you?” she directed me the question with a scowl.

“I’m Y/N. You are…?” I stated and she scoffed, rolling her eyes.

“I’m his fiancee.”

Let's see who here knows Y/n haha what do you think she's gonna do? Get up and go away or stay?

My New (ex) Boss [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now