CH. 16

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Hoseok’s POV

I slightly tried to open my eyes just to shut them right away. A groan escaped my lips and I my head never felt so heavy. That’s a beautiful hangover going on. I sat down a little and did another attempt with my eyes, falling once again.

“Look who finally decided to wake up” I don’t need to look to recognize Joon’s voice.

“Can you please close the curtains?” I pleaded groggily with an awful dry throat.

“Here” he handed me a glass of water and some painkillers which I gladly accepted.

“I don’t remember drinking that much at the event” I raked a hand through my hair and rested my head on my hand.

“Because you didn’t. You drank on the way here and a little bit more when we arrived” my friend stuffed his hands in his pockets looking like a wealthy successful man who had to rescue his drunk friend. It doesn’t escape much from reality.

“Oh God” I complained and laid down again, covering my eyes with my arm.

“You can’t lose your shit every time you run into your dad. It’s not the first time this happened''

“I know” I muttered “What happened at the event?”

“Y/N took care of everything” he sat down next to me “She talked to everyone in there and managed to raise a great amount of money. She said you had to leave because you weren’t feeling well and played your dad’s old ‘thank you’ video. Apparently he left as soon as they pressed play” I sighed.

“She’s such an angel” I bubbled.

“She is. I know all of this because she called last night asking about you. And since I’m incredible, I lied saying you were resting not running around the house in your underwear screaming something about touching the stars” I snickered at his remark.

“Thank you for taking care of me” I finally looked at him “You really are incredible”

“I know” he smiled and a silence sat in the room, with me staring at the ceiling.

“She’s the mysterious girl, isn’t she?” he pronounced after a few minutes and I just nodded my head.

“And I think I’m falling for her… Again”



“Look who finally decided to join us in the living world” Yoon mocked me when I threw myself on the couch next to him at 13:12. Yup, I guess I was tired.

“Are you okay? I tried talking to you when you got home but you just lay on the bed, told me to shut up and slept” my brother asked and I just groaned.

“That’s because I was exhausted. And now I’m hungry”

“There’s food in the kitchen, I will warm up for you” Kook stated and left.

“Thank yooou! I love you!” I changed position and placed my head on Yoon’s thigh and I raised my arms to play with his hair.

“Can you stop?” he demanded holding my hands.

“How was your date yesterday?” I grinned.

“Considering that I’m hired I would say it was great” he offered a convinced smile and I jumped to hug him.

“I knew it!! I’m so happy for you”

“I’m taking you out on a fancy dinner next week” he promised and I agreed.


“Here” Jungkook showed up and handed me a plate with spaghetti, one of the few things both of them can cook.

“What about you?” I turned at my brother with my mouth full.


“How was your photoshoot?” as soon as the question left my mouth his cheeks turned pink.

“It was good” he simply said.

“C’mon, I need more information!” I nudged.

“Oh look at the time! I need to head to the studio” he got up and went to his room to grab his things.

“So annoying” I complained under my breath shoving more food into my mouth. I didn’t realize I was that hungry.

“You don’t have to work today?” Yoon asked me.

“I got the day off”

“So that means you’re going to stay all day in that pj and messy bun?”

“Yeah” I responded happily “When does your work start?”


“I guess we’re stuck together today”

“You know what that means?” he gave me his gummy smile.

“What?” I questioned with a suspicious look.

“That you’re not going to stay in your pj’s. We’re going to play basketball”

"Oh no"


“C’mon! Move your lazy ass!” Yoon yelled at me for the hundredth time in the last 10 minutes. What he doesn’t realize is that unlike him, I’m out of shape.

“I need a minute!” I gasped for a while, resting my hands on my knees.

“You need lots of minutes” he made fun of me and I just directed him a furious look.

“It’s been ages since i've played basketball!”

“From what I can see it’s been ages since you've moved at all”

“I’ll grab that ball and stick in your-”

“Y/N?” I slowly turned around, just to find Hoseok in all his glory and hotness looking at me. Oh God. I don't think I'm ready for this.

My New (ex) Boss [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now