CH. 27

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Y/n's POV

"Okay, so here's the list of things we have to do once we get home," I said from the passenger seat, staring at the notes on my phone.

"Go for it."

"Number one: I need to tell my brother about us."


"Number two: you need to talk to your dad about Nari and how much you dislike her and about your plans for your future."

"More like our future but okay" don't blush, don't blush, don't blush.

"And number three: I need to come up with a plan to kill Nari and hide her body."

"Ugh. Why do all the things you have to do seem easy and fun?" I smothered a laugh at his argument.

"I'm in danger of my brother hating me. I don't think it will be easy and it definitely won't be fun," I looked outside the window watching the landscape passing quickly by us. 

Hobi and I decided to leave right after lunch. Both of us agreed to talk to our family members, aka Jungkook and his dad, today. 

"I'm sure you two will hit it off," he held my hand, "Me on the other hand..." I lifted his hand giving it a quick peck.

"Just remember that you have another family who supports and loves you." 


"Are you sure you don't want me to take you home?" Hobi asked me as soon as we parked in front of Yoon's place. 

"My car is here since we left it on Saturday, sweetie," I looked at him and he had a big frown "Hobi, Yoon is harmless."

"I know," he looked away and I chuckled. I leaned in and kissed his cheek, "I gotta go now. Hey, why don't we all hang out tomorrow? To have dinner or something? I can even call Jin so I can make up for canceling our plans."

"That seems nice," he smiled. "I'll tell the boys."

"Okay," when I was about to leave the car he stopped me for a delicious kiss. I think I'm getting addicted to those. How am I going to survive without them till tomorrow night?

I grabbed my bag and walked to my best friend's place, extremely not prepared to have this conversation with Kook. 

Yoongi opened the door, looked me up and down and a sassy smile played on his lips.

"You got laid." 

"Yoon!" I could feel my cheeks getting blushed. Why does he have to be so... open?

"And not just once!"

"For God's sake," I walked past him and dropped my suitcase on the floor, "Where's my brother?"

"In the room. You two used protection, right?" I looked at him who still had a stupid smile on his pretty face. 

"I won't dignify that with an answer."

Jungkook was lying on the bed doing something on his computer. I knocked lightly on the door, attracting his attention who smiled as soon as he laid his eyes on me.

"You're back!" 

"I am," I sat down next to him and kissed his cheek, "How's your broken ankle?"

"Better. Yoongi made me stay with my foot up the entire weekend," he rolled his eyes and I smiled. "Did you have fun?"

"I did. Actually, I have to tell you something," I said and he furrowed his eyebrows. 


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