CH. 12

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“So, what do you think?” Yoon asked.

“It’s… tiny,” I answered.

“It’s awful,” Jungkook said next to me.

The three of us were in one of the apartments that Yoongi was planning to rent. It wasn’t exactly a good one.

“And what’s up with that smell?” Kook asked, sniffing the air.

“I know right? I don’t know either.”

“I don’t think all your stuff will fit in here,” I announced looking around.

“I don’t allow you to live here,” my brother stated.

“I don’t have much money right now,” Yoon said rubbing the back of his neck. “I mean, I’m not working right now. What if it takes me forever to be hired?” he sighed sadly.

“Hey,” I placed my arm around his shoulder “You are incredibly talented. You’re going to find a job within no time. You’ll see,” I smile warmly.

“With five steps I walked the entire place, look!” Kook exclaimed, making us laugh.


“I love it!” I said smiling.

“That’s what I’m talking about! In here, your bedroom has walls dude!” Jungkook said looking around. That’s the second apartment on the list.

“It’s perfect for you Yoon! How much?”

“An amount that I can afford for only two months if I don’t get a job,” he sat on the kitchen counter.

“Do you like it here?” I leaned by his side.

“It’s perfect,” he smiled, “But I’m still worried.”

“You should take it,” my brother showed up in the kitchen, “We can help you in case you need it.”

“I won’t accept that,” Yoon scoffed.

“I’m only offering cuz I know you won’t need us,” Jk winked, “Now,” he claps his hands together. “Where do you sign to move in?”


“I’m starving!” I spoke after leaving Yoon's newest apartment. He’ll move in next weekend.

“When are you not hungry?” Yoongles pointed out placing his arm over my shoulder.

“I know a good place we can go for lunch,” Kook said, unlocking the car.

“So let-” before I could finish my sentence I spotted Hoseok across the road talking to a woman. And apparently her hands needed to touch him every time she said something. He looked stressed but at the same time didn't seem to mind with her touching him.

After a few seconds Hoseok’s gaze met mine and he seemed surprised. I could notice him running his eyes through Yoongi, Jungkook and back at me.


“Yes?” I answered looking at my beautiful best friend.

“What are you looking at?” he lifted his gaze from me, seeing Hoseok.

“Isn’t that the guy that was with you at the airport?” he questioned with narrowed eyes.

“Yeah, he’s… he’s my boss,” I showed an embarrassed smile. Then the girl Hosoek was talking to called his attention and he looked back at her.

“C’mon, I’m still hungry,” I pulled Yoon into the car so we could go.


Hoseok’s POV

I would be lying if I say I didn’t spend my whole weekend thinking about Y/n and the possibility of her having 2 boyfriends. I mean, some people are into that stuff. But I don’t think she would let me kiss her if she were dating. Especially if she were dating 2 guys… right? What’s the other explanation for her being with them in loving ways all the freaking time??

And I really need to do something about our kiss. Like, it should happen again! I think that’s the right thing to do! But how? And what if her two boyfriends find out and decide to kill me??

I groaned loudly realizing I’ve read the same contract paragraph for the third time. My Monday started in a great way. I woke up late, which means I couldn’t jogg and impress Y/n with my hot body covered in sweat (okay that sounded a little weird); I spilled coffee on my white shirt when my dear personal assistant said good morning looking more beautiful than ever, (how’s that even possible?) and now she was having a fun and pleasant conversation with Jimin who decided to show up.

Why is he here??

I really like this chapter hahaha Tell me what you think!!

PS: Updates now every Monday and Thursday ❤ Enjoyy (:

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