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“We’re going to open a company branch here, so they asked me to come and see how everything was going on and to sign some papers. And there’s also a meeting with the managers. I hope everything goes well.”

Hoseok told me while driving to our destination. He said that I didn’t need to go because it’s going to be a very boring evening so I could stay at the hotel and enjoy the beach if I wanted. But at the same time that he said that he showed me his puppy eyes that said, ‘please don’t leave me alone’ so here I am.

“Okay then,” I nodded and looked outside the window admiring the city.

We didn’t talk about what happened last night and I’m okay with that for now.

“It’s here,” he parked in front of a huge building made basically of glass. Pretty. We walked in and he told his name to the receptionist that sent us to the 21st floor.

“Jung Hoseok in the house!” a man yelled and walked in our direction to hug his friend.

“Hey Kyle!” he smiled “This is my assistant, Y/N.”

“Nice to meet you.” I smiled and raised my hand for a handshake.

“Oh wow. My pleasure,” Kai said and winked while shaking my hand. “You two can follow me to my office.”

“I’ll wait here, you can go,” I warned Hobi. I got some bad vibes from this Kyle guy.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah! I have to call some people anyway.”

“Okay then. I’ll be back soon.” he followed his friend and I threw myself on a couch at the desk, quickly reaching for my cell phone.

*Group Chat - 3Dummies*
You: Missing me already?
Yoon: And you are…?
You: 😒😒
Kook: Is everything ok around there?
You: everything is beautifully fine
Yoon: have you needed a condom already??
Yoon: stop acting like a puritan. We both know you’re worse!
You: he is??
Yoon: oh yeah!
There was this one time that he ajsb
Kook: Yoon will be without his phone for a little bit. Keep sending us news (:
You: okay 😂

I took the time and called my mom, who spent 30 minutes complaining how much Jungkook doesn't care about her and doesn't even make a call. Apparently he could be dead for all she knows.

“I’ll tell him, don’t worry,” I spoke on the phone and saw Hoseok and Kyle walking in my direction. “I have to go now” … “Okay. Love you too. Bye.” I placed the phone inside my bag and got up “All set?”

“Yeah, we can go now,” Hoseok smiled.

“Too bad you’re leaving tomorrow. I wouldn’t mind showing you around,” Kyle looked me up and down and showed me what I thought it was supposed to be a seductive smile.

Before I could say anything, Hobi placed his arm around my waist and made a serious expression.

“Too bad she’s already taken,” oh wow. Never thought a sentence could be so hot. Kyle smiled and raised his hand for a high five and I rolled my eyes.

“Hell yeah! You go dude!” They clapped their hands and we started to walk.

“Have a safe flight!” If Hoseok listened to that or just decided to ignore I don’t know.

My so-called boss spent the whole day in a bad mood. We went to a meeting and talked to another important business man and his temper wouldn’t change. I asked what was bothering him and all I got was “I’m okay, don’t worry about it.” So I just tried to ignore it.

When we got in the hotel he said he was too tired to go out and have dinner so I could order room service if I like.

And in the morning nothing had changed. He said he was having breakfast in his room for absolutely no reason, he was just “feeling like it” and to make things even better his headphones were on during our ride to the airport and during our flight because apparently he wasn’t scared anymore. All I got were monosyllabic answers. Fuck him.

I grabbed my bag and headed to leave the airport pretending I did a whole trip by myself and didn’t have a special and romantic dinner that changed all my thoughts about my ex.

“Y/N, wait!” he yelled but I kept walking. Hoseok reached me and held my arm making me look at him “I’m sorry. I know I’ve been treating you bad since yesterday but it’s just...” he ran his hands through his hair “I didn’t-”

“Y/N!” someone shouted, cutting Hoseok off, making me look back just to find Jungkook and Yoongi walking towards me.

“What? What are you-” before I could finish my sentence both of them hugged me.

“We missed you so much,” Kook said and kissed my cheek. Yoongi turned me at him, and placed his hands on my face squeezing my cheeks.

“You’re never leaving me again, okay?” he kissed my nose and my forehead.

“Can you stop?” I said with difficulty, laughing at the same time. “What are you guys doing here?”

“Your boys came to pick you up! Now let’s go, we’re hungry and want to take you out for lunch,” Jungkook clarified while taking my bag from my hand and placing it on his shoulder. He intertwined our arms as Yoongi took my free hand and intertwined our fingers.

One word: weird! Gosh, this is ridiculous! It looks like I have two boyfriends. Clingy ass boyfriends!

I was so confused with what was happening that I forgot to say goodbye to Hoseok. When I looked back I was far already just staring at me.


“Okay, what did you two do?” I asked once we were in the car, heading to my favorite restaurant. This is so suspicious.

“Why would you think we did something?” Jungkook said and touched his ear, which means he was lying.

“I can tell when you’re hiding something. Just tell me.”

“There’s a chance… a small probability… really tiny!! That we broke the fridge,” Yoongi whispered the last sentence, looking outside the window.

“YOU DID WHAT? How can you break a fridge??”

“Maybe we were playing soccer and…”


“And the ball hit a glass of water that somehow, fell strategically onto the outlet and well ... it burned.” Yoongi showed me an embarrassed smile and I groaned.

“The good thing is that we already ordered a new one! It will get there tomorrow.” Kook explained as if he was in control of the situation.

“I left for three days. Actually, two and a half and you two break our fridge??”

“We love yooou!” the said at the same time.

“Yeah yeah, I love you too.”

Yaas, new chapter in the house!!! hahaha I hope you all are enjoying  (: Tell me your thoughts, I love reading your comments!! ❤
See you next Monday 💕

My New (ex) Boss [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now