CH. 28

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In my head, I was gonna make it. I was truly gonna make it. I was going to leave the office, go home, get a shower, change, go to Areum’s house (Mina's sister's), grab the things they sent me from Australia and go back home so me and the boys could all go out to have dinner. But what I wasn’t expecting was that Hoseok would keep me after shift for some ‘important business’ involving our mouths and that Areum would turn my 20 minutes visit into a 1h visit. 

So now I’m running the 5 blocks back home with a heavy bag on my shoulder trying to explain to my boyfriend why him, his friends and my friends were all at my place and I wasn’t.

“I’m almost there! Don’t worry! … It took a little longer than I expected but I’m close … Humm, 5 minutes? … Okay, bye.” I placed the phone in my purse and walked faster. I should have taken the car, I would be there already.

I sighed happily when I saw my building. To be honest I’m not that late. Hobi is the one who’s anxious to tell me about his talk with his dad because for some weird reason he couldn’t tell me in the office. 

“Y/n?” I freeze the instant I hear my name. I know that voice. I know that voice way too well. I slowly turn around, feeling my heart racing and my palms go cold.

“J-Jaewoo?” no, no, no! This can’t be happening!

“Hey, princess!” he stopped under a light pole so I could see him better. He hasn’t changed a thing. His hair was still long in the front almost covering his eyes, with the same color of someone who spent a lot of time under the sun; his black leather jacket was still on, such as his aftershave cologne that I could smell from where I was standing.

But what really caught my attention was the shiny silver object in his hand. A switchblade. “I told you I would pay you a visit if you didn’t answer me,” he smiled and took a step forward. I took one back “What? Are you afraid of me or something?” he chuckled giving me chills. 

“How did you find me?”

“Well, that took some time but I have my ways” he shrugged and took a step forward. I took one back “I must say, when I got the letter telling me about the restraining order” his free hand formed into a wrist while he had a death glare on his face “I wasn’t happy, princess. But you didn’t really mean that, did you?”

I have to do something. I can’t get my phone otherwise he will freak out. I won’t make it to my building, he will probably reach me first. I could scream, but that will only make him angrier. I have to do something.

I blinked and he was right in front of me. He raised his hand and caressed my cheek. I tried to deviate from his touch but that only pissed him off. He held my face tightly, making me look straight into his eyes.

“And the joke about you having a boyfriend? Tsc, Tsc. Not nice,” he raised his knife and used it to remove a lock of hair from my eyes. Then he slowly dragged the cold blade across my skin, touching my ear, cheek, chin and ending on my neck. My breathing was failing and my heart felt like it could jump out of my chest. But he didn’t care. He just kept staring at me. “I really think you and I should go out to talk, don’t you agree? My car is right over there.” 

He pointed with his knife and an alarm went on inside my head, a warning that I should take action immediately. So why couldn’t I move?? Why couldn’t I say anything? I opened my mouth and nothing! Where were the words? Why weren’t they coming out? I'm terrified and my brain isn’t helping me to react!

His hand went from my face to my wrist, holding me so tight and close that I could feel his breathing on my cheek and the first treacherous prickling in my eyes. Then he whispered in my ear: 

My New (ex) Boss [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now