CH. 3

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1 week later

One week. It’s been one really long week that Hoseok has been working here. A week filled with glances and glares and stares and all the things that involved eye contact. And a lot of cheeks (mostly mine) blushing when I caught him looking at me. Why? That’s a question without an answer. Probably because I’m stupid.

AND, to make my life easier, he likes to jog. And he likes to jog
e-v-e-r-y-d-a-y. So, he shows up all sweaty and sexy, takes off his hoodie and shows to everybody who wants to see (since his office is made of glass and I have a very good view from my desk) how good he looks with a white t-shirt sticking to his body, letting us know how hot his abdomen is. Not gonna lie, I want to see. I really want to see. And the fact that a thousand of dirty scenarios plays in my head every morning makes me want to kill myself. And then he walks to his bathroom to take a shower. And uses a really good perfume. Yeah, my life’s going just fine.

“Is it just me or are you getting here earlier than usual?” Jin showed up, getting me out of my non pure thoughts with my new boss and his abdomen.

“Ugh?” I looked at him. Am I drooling? I touched my lips. Good, everything’s fine, “I think it’s just you.” I smiled.

“So, what are your plans for the weekend?” Jin sat on his chair, turned on his computer and looked at me.

“My brother wants to take me out for dinner tonight. The next two days I’ll probably die in front of my TV. What about you?”

“Believe it or not, I have a date tonight.” he said with a really proud smile.

“A date?? And you do that kind of stuff?” I asked and his smile turned into a frown.

“Of course I do! Unlike you, I have a social life” and his proud smile is back.

“I do have a social life!” I grumbled.

“Going out with your brother and his friends, and video calling Mina is not having a social life”

“That’s so not true! I have-'' but before I had the chance to explain my idea I'm interrupted by two extremely handsome guys. Not that I'm complaining, they can interrupt me anytime they want.

Both of them were tall and were wearing a tux and I’m pretty sure they could kill you if you made eye contact for more than 10 seconds. I swear.

“Good morning,” one of them smiled at me, showing some dimples. Does he want my heart? He can have it.

“Can we talk with Hobi please?”

“I’m sorry, who?” I have no idea how I was able to ask that since my brain was too busy turning into jelly.

“Jung Hoseok.”

“Oh! Yeah, sure!” I smiled “Names, please?”

“Namjoon and Taehyung,” he pointed to both of them.

“I’ll let him know that you two are here.” I got up from my seat but Taehyung stopped me.

“Is it okay if we just go there? It’s kind of a surprise” and then he rubbed the back of his neck and gave me a shy smile. And that’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen and I have to control myself to not make any weird noises “We’re old friends.”

“Yeah, you can go” I don’t care if they are gang members or murderers, they ask and I’m saying yes.

“Thanks” he winked at me. WINKED and started to walk. I sat down and played the whole scene again in my head.

“You look like a teenager in front of their crush,” Jin pointed out.

“I thought my eyes were deceiving me for a moment,” I answered, resting my chin on my hands.

“Why don't you get like that when you see me? I mean, check out that face!” I looked at him who gave me a sexy look, making me laugh.

“You no longer have that effect on me now that we see each other every day,” I placed my hand over my heart and made a sad face “I’m sorry.”

“You’re ridiculous, you know that?”

Hoseok’s POV

What a lovely week. Jieun said this was a not easy job, but everything’s calm so far. Maybe I’m not doing it right… But I think Y/N would warn me about it, since she’s now my personal assistant that I like to tease by walking around my office without a shirt on. Cuz I’m a very mature man who knows how to win a girls heart. Staring and showing my abs. Oh yeah.

“I guess you’ve been working out,” As soon as I left my bathroom I heard a familiar voice and when I looked, I saw Taehyung and Namjoon casually sitting on my couch.

“What??” I exclaimed and smiled at them, “What are you guys doing here?” I walked to them, hugging my two best friends that I haven’t seen in a long time.

“We came to see you! Cuz you stayed in the US for two years and didn’t think it’s a good idea to visit us when you came back!” Namjoon scoffed and we all sat down again.

“Not my fault if you went to Europe the minute I came back, for y’know, ‘important business,’” I said doing quotation marks with my fingers, making them laugh.

“When this pretty face is asked to be on the cover of a magazine of course I won’t say no.” Tae answered with a huge smile.

“I saw that! I bought 10 copies! So you can see what an awesome friend you have,” I confessed with a proud face and they laughed “Is Jimin still there?” I asked.

“Yeah, he was going to record a new song. I think he’ll be here next week.” Namjoon said.

“Woah!” I exclaimed “Another one? That’s big!”

“Of course it is! I’m the manager of these two, what do you think would happen?” Joon said with a smirk.

“Right, right!” I raised my hands in a surrender gesture, “My bad! So, my best friends are a manager, a model, a singer, and all of them are very successful? Something isn’t right here.”

“What about you?” Tae gently tapped my knee “I never thought that I would see you here, behind the boss’s desk, bossing around.”

“Yeah, me neither. But my sister asked for my help so…” I scratched the back of my neck.

“Are you sure this is temporary? I mean, you went out for two years to study and specialize so you could take care of your family business. You even broke up your relationship with the mysterious girl we never met.” Namjoon rolled his eyes.

“Oh yeah! I remember that!” Tae exclaimed, all excited “I remember you didn’t even want to tell us her name!”

“And I still won’t!” I raised an eyebrow at them, “What if I told you I only studied for one year and did other stuff there? Would you believe it?” I gave them a suggestive look.

“What other stuff?” Taehyung asked with furrowed eyebrows.

“Let me show you” I smiled.

My New (ex) Boss [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now